Black levels frequently messed up on freeview channel4/film4 material

1 Mar 2010
For the last couple of months I seeing somewhat washed out pictures on a lot of channel4 & film4 material - anyone else seeing that. ?
The adverts are fine, just the programmes messed up

I found below thread fairly easily, but has no recent updates, and couldn't find other information on the web.
Channel 4 had some broadcast problems a while back I don't know if it all stems from that.
yes - again last night - dipped into Eiger sanction on fourhd best I've ever seen it - great black levels, versus film4(sd) Cruise's American made on Sunday pm which was a wash-out.

I need to try switching film4/c4 mid-show to their online streaming services, and see if they show same issue,
itv4 streaming stuff always looks better PQ than freeview for cycling, which I put down to a better hevc/codec

I'm not sure if I could actually improve freeview by playing with IRE black levels
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