Blackberry Q10 - adding contacts to it?

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Just a silly one I suppose, but I have dug out all my old phones and I got a couple of blackberry phones here and the Q10 is a great little baby. Also playing with the Z30 actually, but the Q10 is what I am playing with more... Im even thinking of going back to it fully time, I mthat much or a morn, but hey ho!

I was thinking...

Can I get my contact info over onto it with any ease?

I mean...

With my 3 GMail accounts, on the iphones and the Androids, I simply add those accounts and then they automatically get my contacts when I set the phones up and its all easy peazy lemon squeazy but the Blackberry doesnt do that, so I was wondering...

Also, I did try installing some of the old Blackberry software but I had issues with that.

Anyone know what I can do other than forget it, or do it by hand... Steady!
A quick search it looks like you'll have to export your contacts to a vcf file, copy them over to the phone storage, and then use the contacts app to import it. But that also means your contacts won't backup and sync to the email accounts.

Oh, ok, use a VCF File... Ok, I will try that route.

Sync my contacts.
No, thats not a problem... The vast majority of my contacts are in the Android phone anyway, and its really only for puttinh them INTO the Blackberry and so I think it should be fine.
Thanks for the info, I will have a play shortly.

Aw man, I always wanted the Q10 but I couldn't wait for it and grabbed myself a Z10 on release.

I was also jealous of the Passport but always thought I'd never get used to a 3 row keyboard instead of 4 like the Classic.

Great OS too.

I have the Z10 and the Z30. They are pretty much the same as each other to be honest, with the 30 obviously being just that bit better,. and a tiny bit bigger.
I also found that there are a surprising number of Android apps and games that run on it
I got 2 Q10's as well as a few of the older ones.
One of my Q10 phones is in extremely good quality, however, I have broken a pin on the SIMCARD port and so it does not recognise any sims. It can be fixed easily enough, but I never bothered as the Phone was only being used as an MP3 player. If you want it, then drop me your addy and I will post it off to you. If you can get it fixed then bonus. I dont know how easy it would be, but I doubt it will be THAT difficult. In fact, I did at one time, use a bit of wire and managed to get my Vodafone sim to work in it and it was fine for about 2 weeks, but then I went back to the Samsung Note, so its also bodgeable. If you want it, then its here.
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