Blades of Glory -

Big bump!

Saw this last night on Orange Wednesdays, thought it was a really funny film. Went to the cinema not really expecting much and I was surprised at how well put together it was for what was just a daft comedy film :)
This is a really, really funny film. If you can make figure skating humorous then it's got to be doing something right.
It was a funny film... but ONLY the bits where they wer eon the ice. The rest of it was laced with that diabolically cheesy, third-rate mushy emotional spiel which you would find in any second-rate film.

As I said, the bits on ice were hilarious... their routines had me wetting myself, especially at the beginning, and the uncomfortable homo-erotic scenes also had be cackling to myself.

6/10, but if it had maintained the pace and concentrated on what was funny then it would have been 8/10.
i think he's the most overated comedian in along time, ferrell.

the whole dead pan approach has been done before and a lot better for my tastes.
i think he's the most overated comedian in along time, ferrell.

That statement could not be further from the truth in my eyes!!! :eek:
He is a comedy god !! Have you not seen Anchorman or Old School?? Or any of his comedy skits?
lol dude -
Dam it not one of those videos 'is longer availabe' :( except for the Neil Diamond one lol
His SNL clips are by far the best ' school spirit!!'
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