Blair to receive acolade

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Originally posted by dirtydog
How has he performed impeccably?

He has lied to us and the world for months, on the Iraq issue. He has treated the British people with contempt.

He has taken us into an illegal war and put THIS country's interests second to those of America :rolleyes:

I saw the Sun was calling for George Galloway to be tried for treason recently. A better candidate would be Blair; acting against Britain's interests, endangering this country from future terrorist attacks, putting our troops at risk, spending billions of our money on an illegal war.. don't even get me started on the other reasons he acts against this country like immigration, taxes, trying to give Gibraltar to Spain etc etc etc :mad:

he didnt try to give away gibraltar
Originally posted by dirtydog
Okay why talk to Spain about shared sovereignty then? That would be the slippery slope to giving it back to Spain.

The British people don't want Spain to have shared sovereignty.. 99% of Gibratlarians don't want it..

Why is Blair even talking about it then? Does he forget it is his duty to serve the people?

this happened ages ago and have they got shared sovereignty?
NO they havent. spain wanted gilbraltar back, gilbraltar said "No", Blair said "well.....", then Spain realised they were fighting a losing battle, then I was proved right and you were proved wrong:D

Dont get me wrong I dont want to see us give away our land either but i dont think Blair wanted too
Originally posted by dirtydog
Care to expand on that a little :confused:

ok then, Churchill was recently voted the greatest ever Britain. He lead Britain through its toughest ever challenge-WW2. He was a great leader and deserves our respect.

You might be speaking german now if it wasnt for him
Originally posted by dirtydog
In a different world, Churchill would have been tried as a war criminal. Much like Bush or Blair might be ;) In other words, if other leaders had done what any of those three had done (or a fraction of it) they would indeed be indicted for war crimes. Victors' justice always prevails though of course.

Some reading on Churchill...

are u anti-britain or pro nazi?
Originally posted by Hellsmk2
Churchill. The man responsible for ok'ing the bombing of Dresden. More bombs were dropped on Dresden in one night than the entire period of the Blitz in London.

A mixture of incendury (to cause fires) and explosive (uhhm, to blow stuff up ;) ) bombs were dropped: The result was destruction outweighing that of teh Atomic bomb. The fires were so great that people from two miles away were sucked into the flames. Many who were unlucky enough not to die as a result of the explosive bombs suffocated to death due to the fires taking up the oxygen in the air.

Yes... Churchill is a great man!

Originally posted by silverpaw
So with holding information on the bombing of Pearl Harbour was okay? thouhg it was needed to get the yanks involved :rolleyes: I don't consider it honourable conduct tbh.

The Dresden incident was retailation, lets not who started the second world war, the germans. Same with Pearl Harbour, thee japanese attacked America, America retailaited.

Simple as...

Churchill didnt start WW2 - he ended it.
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