Blairw Summer Weight Loss / Fitness Journal

19 Mar 2006
Scotland, UK
Hi All,

Completed the Paris Marathon this April in a shocking time of 5:59 - was totally unprepared and came in way overweight - hit the half marathon mark at a comfortable 2:15 - but basically broke down (left calve was done!) at 27KM leaving me to shuffle to the finish line!

This is just a place on the internet to try and record my attempt at getting my act together to make another attempt at the marathon in the future, and to lower my bodyweight / bodyfat to a level I am happy with.

Starting Stats:

229 Lbs
>25% Bodyfat
5' 11"

135KG 140KG Squat
175KG Deadlift (not been tested in quite a while)
85KG 87.5KG Bench

10K - 59:00
Half Marathon - 2:11:20
Full Marathon - 5:59:40

Training will be a combination of Crossfit, Cycling, Running and Football.

Big change will be approach to diet - not going to go super clean on everything as previous attempts have died around the 3 week mark due to being too strict and eventually breaking down / rebounding.

Planned Events
Edinburgh 10KM - 30th May
Pedal For Scotland - 6th September
Glasgow Half Marathon - 4th October

Current Progress

20/04/2015 - 229.4
27/04/2015 - 227.4
05/05/2015 - 225.1
11/05/2015 - 223.6
18/05/2015 - No Weigh In
25/05/2015 - No Weigh In
01/06/2015 - 219.9
08/06/2015 - 221.2
15/06/2015 - 216.6
22/06/2015 - 213.6
29/06/2015 - 210.8
06/06/2015 - 210.7
13/07/2015 - 208
24/07/2015 - 205.5
20/07/2015 - 205.5
27/07/2015 - no weigh in
03/08/2015 - 211.1
10/08/2015 - 208.7

17/08/2015 - 203 Lbs
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I have actually reached the end of 'Week 1' - though I am trying to get away from the mind-set of weeks, this is a lifestyle change hopefully, not a temporary thing. But for the sake of weigh in's etc. it makes sense to keep to weekly figures

226.2Lbs - Down 2.8lbs

Average for Week
Kcal - 2452
Protein - 162.2 (35.7%)
Carbs - 211 (46.5%)
Fat - 80.4 (17.7%)

First week back doing anything since after the marathon - I still have very little in my legs after destroying them over 26 miles, so I have been taking it easy


30 Back Squats, 50 kg
30 Hang Cleans, 50 kg
30 Deadlifts, 60 kg
30 Push-ups

Typical Crossfit session - carried out as team - I have only shown the reps that I completed.

Strict Press, 4 reps | 40 kg
Strict Press, 4 reps | 42.5 kg
Strict Press, 4 reps | 45 kg
Strict Press, 4 reps | 47.5 kg

Push Press, 4 reps | 47.5 kg
Push Press, 4 reps | 50 kg
Push Press, 4 reps | 52.5 kg
Push Press, 4 reps | 55 kg

Push Jerk, 5 reps | 55 kg
Push Jerk, 5 reps | 57.5 kg
Push Jerk, 5 reps | 60 kg
Push Jerk, 5 reps | 62.5 kg


rest 1 min
5 Ring Rows
5 Ring Rows
5 Ring Rows
5 Ring Rows
5 Ring Rows

rest 3 min
Dumbbell Bench Press, 8 reps | 22.5 kg
Dumbbell Bench Press, 8 reps | 22.5 kg
Dumbbell Bench Press, 8 reps | 25 kg
Dumbbell Bench Press, 8 reps | 25 kg
Dumbbell Bench Press, 8 reps | 25 kg

rest 3 min
Dumbbell Pull Over, 8 reps | 20 kg
Dumbbell Pull Over, 8 reps | 20 kg
Dumbbell Pull Over, 8 reps | 20 kg
Dumbbell Pull Over, 8 reps | 20 kg

rest 3 min
Kettlebell High Pull, 30 reps | 20 kg - 15 Each Hand
Kettlebell High Pull, 30 reps | 20 kg - 15 Each Hand
Dumbbell Pull Over, 8 reps | 20 kg

Bike - 9.3km - 26:39 - 60m Elevation - 21.0km/h (Average Speed)

Walk / Golf - 6KM (9 Holes)


Weekly Game of Five A Side - First time I've played since December as I withdrew myself to lower risk of injury on the lead up to the marathon.
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I will be following this been doing 5x5 since november and while my lifts have improved greatly my bf% is still way higher than id like which hasn't changed at 21% and I could do with dropping ideally about 8kg of fat
Monday Training
5 Rounds
Each Round Consists of 3 of the below complex
2 Minute Rest Between Rounds

Squat Clean, 50 kg
Push Press, 50 kg
Back Squat, 50 kg
Push Jerk, 50 kg
Overhead Squat, 50 kg

Monday Diet

Diet good today - sitting spot on for goal kcal / protein intake.
Planning on giving averages for diet on a Monday along with weigh in
Thanks! Keeping things light for now as my legs still have next to nothing in them from the marathon - only been a couple of weeks.

Keen to start adding some weight to my olympic lifts as it is the area of crossfire that interests me most.
Tuesday Training

Full 18 Holes - Clocked in at 11.4KM - plus obviously hitting the damn ball/looking for it in the bushes!


Chipper Workout today but I felt a bit of a twinge in my right leg which is to be expected considering the marathon was just over 2 weeks ago. I done what I could until the twinge started to head towards pain - stopped done a good 30 minutes of mobility (something I need to do more of!) What I completed is below - I missed out on 30 more Overhead Lunges (20KG), 30 Burpee BoxJumps and a 400m shuttle session

50Kcal Row
40 Wall Balls (9KG / 12ft)
30 Ring Rows (Strict, chest under the rig, not feet)
20 Overhead Lunges (20KG) - This is where I was starting to feel my leg so backed off

Tuesday Diet

Diet was again good today - sitting spot on for goal kcal / protein intake.
Planning on giving averages for diet on a Monday along with weigh in
Wednesday Training

No training today! Was gonna try get our for an hour on the bike, but the weather up here is horrible!

Wednesday Diet

Diet is pretty much on point today - I won't hit my macros exactly as I have factored in eating 100g of a lovely thorntons easter egg tonight while watching some tv!
Thursday Training

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps
Hang Power Clean, 60 kg
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 reps
Box Step Overs

Performed as a couplet so 10 hang power cleans, then 20 box step overs, followed by the next set! This was meant to be box jumps, not step overs - but as my legs are still lacking power and I don't want to get injured!

Workout took a fair length of time as I was just grinding it out - keeping form throughout!

Thursday Diet

Pretty much on point again today! Enjoyed my easter egg last night but couldn't have ate any more!
Entering a bit of a challenging weekend as I will have less control over my meals

Friday Night - Dinner with Fiancee's Parents (having Chicken and Broccoli Lasagne - gonna try get the recipe to put into MFP then guesstimate on serving size)

Saturday - Viewing venues for wedding - canapé samplers anyone? The off to my parents at night for dinner, luckily we are having steak with filled mushrooms, should be able to estimate fairly accurately

Sunday - Family get together at her parents to celebrate engagement - gonna try keep it sensible, and hoping for a BBQ so I can just get stuck into the meat and salad!

Wish me luck!
Thanks - wedding is definitely going to be a few years away so plenty of time to cut down, then add some quality mass!
Friday Training

Deload session - been a heavy few weeks apparently but not for me as I am just back. Still, my whole body needs a deload anyway!

5 Back Squats | 65 kg
5 Back Squats | 65 kg
5 Back Squats | 65 kg
5 Back Squats | 65 kg
5 Back Squats | 65 kg

5 Strict Press | 30 kg
5 Strict Press | 30 kg
5 Strict Press | 30 kg
5 Strict Press | 30 kg
5 Strict Press | 30 kg

Skull Crusher, 25 reps | 24 kg
Skull Crusher, 25 reps | 24 kg

A few of us then set out for a gentle 2KM round the block. I wanted to see how my legs were for running post marathon and was planning on doing 8 miles with Sarah on the Saturday morning. Not to be... felt like I was running through treacle!! Beginning to think I will need to just can the 10KM in 4 weeks time as right now my legs have nothing for running!

Friday Diet

Managed to get a hold of the recipe for dinner and made it in MFP - it won't be 100% accurate but I am happy enough! Good days eating, had a few treats in the form of a mars bar ice cream and a couple of cadbury heroes - but it is Friday after all and I stayed very close to my KCAL limit.

I also jumped on the scale yesterday morning despite weigh in not being until monday! If the scale matches on Monday I will be happy enough, anything more would be great.
No Training on Saturday - had planned on going a run, but after attempting to move on Friday night I decided more rest was better. Weather has also been horrible yesterday and today so my plans to get out on the bike have been put on hold - though i do hope I get out on Bank Holiday Monday

Saturday Diet

Viewed a lovely wedding venue and were treated to Scones & Clotted Creme!! Apart from that I managed to keep my diet family in check, with only a few hundred kcals over target - this is compared to the 2500+ i was over last saturday while out boozing!

Family party today, and another wedding venue viewing should see me come in about 500 or so over!

Update on Monday - with Weigh In (might need to wait until tuesday as I am not staying at home and want to keep my weigh in's all the same - straight from bed post bathroom)
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No Training on Sunday - I usually play five a side on a Sunday night but couldn't this week as we were having a celebratory gathering with Sarah's family so I couldn't make it.

Sunday Diet

Could have been a hell of a lot worse - I came in at 2,321 Kcal's for the day which is not at all bad considering I had very little control over diet for the day.
I did have three beers (coors light), and I did have a bit of dessert which I had to quick add to MFP for - but on the whole it went well. I never got near my protein Macro for the day, but hey ho - it shouldnt make that much of a difference for someone who is still over 100KG!
Double update today, you lucky lucky people!

Monday Training

Bank Holiday Monday! Some Decent Weather! What to do?

7KM cycle to the Crossfit Gym... nice and fast since it is flat and downhill all the way!

Then on to today's WOD... which was horrible considering I had to cycle back home afterwards! Here is the scaled version that I carried out

12-10-8-6-4-2 reps of:
Back Squat, 100 kg (Bodyweight)
Knees To Elbow
Kettlebell Swing (1 arm - R), 16 kg
Kettlebell Swing (1 arm - L), 16 kg
Ring Row

Completed in 28 Minutes... very very tough with the bodyweight squats!

So... after that it was time to cycle home... decided to take the scenic route!

25KM & 1 hour 20 later I was home!!

Monday Diet

In full control of the diet today which was good to get back to from the weekend.
Was heading to Nandos in the evening for a friends birthday (before bowling) so I was happy to get some chicken down me after the kcal burn during the day. I also upped the Kcal's to get a little bit of it back! 2317 for the day!

Weigh in tomorrow - and I will update my weekly kcal figures and the like on my spreadsheet.
Weigh In / Update:

Thought I would post this while at work as I have the spreadsheet here - I will add on the Training / diet post for today later on tonight.

Now I messed up my last weigh in as I took a days before weight instead of the 'official' weigh in so for clarity sake I will work from my spreadsheet now

20/04/2015 - 229.4
27/04/2015 - 227.4
05/04/2015 - 225.1 (Down 2.3lbs)


Average for Week
Kcal - 2145
Protein - 157.5(40.95%)
Carbs - 138(36.09%)
Fat - 88.28 (22.94%)

Just some general comments on this weeks diet progress...

Carbs are down mainly due to the fact I didn't have a big drinking session on the Saturday this week - pretty simple really.
Most worrying this around the diet was the complete lack of fibre over the week, averaging 10.7g per day!! Viewing my weeks eating as an average allows me to spot things like this so I will be conscious of it now and be adding in some green veg and the like to bring this number up! (May help with the weigh in also ha!)
Tuesday Training
Establishing a 1 Rep Max on Bench today... I haven't benched for around 3 months!! Work my way up to 77.5KG.

Bench Press, 10 reps | 20 kg
Bench Press, 8 reps | 40 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 50 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 60 kg
Bench Press, 2 reps | 70 kg
Bench Press, 1 rep | 75 kg
Bench Press, 1 rep | 77.5 kg

Failed twice at 80KG :(

After that fun was out of the way it was time for little 7 Minute Metcon

7:00 AMRAP: (As Many Reps/Rounds As Possible)
7 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 40 kg
7 Burpee Over Bars

5 Complete rounds and 2 additional Shoulder-to-Overheads!

Tuesday Diet

Good Eating today - went and got some extra stuff for the rest of the week including some more fibre sources.
Ha, don't misunderstand - I am not supplementing or anything like that - just taking the opportunity to add more fruit, veg and a little wholegrain to my diet!
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