Blisters on feet when playing football! Whats the cause?

21 Oct 2006
Hi there,

I always get blisters on my feet when I play football, and more recently, on the ball of my foot the skin has all come off and it hurts a lot!

Whats the cause?

I wear proper socks and football trainers (Albiet, they are £8 but comfy and fit well)

Also, my feet are a little weird in the sense that I cant spread my toes and my big toe goes abit inwards.

Thanks for anyhelp!
Well im not a doctor but it could be because you're a man utd fan

Jus kidding, no idea mate but i would be extremely interested in a possible solution myself
Get two layered socks, runners socks, and proper fitting shoes. But let your feet heal first and skin grow back, then, walk around barefoot more, give yourself some brazillian style thick skin bare foot strength.
From my experience I've found the chances of the plaster being in the same place by the time you take your boots off to be pretty much zero.
Socks. I always had this issue with 'proper' socks. Two pairs worked for me, but as atpbx said above, decent boots go a long, long way.
A bit of talc in the sock too, i always found that ti would occur on sweaty feet, right at the end of the game when i put a lot of pressure on turning the skin would fold over due to softness.
A bit of talc in the sock too, i always found that ti would occur on sweaty feet, right at the end of the game when i put a lot of pressure on turning the skin would fold over due to softness.

To kind of combine two posts, what i did once i started playing football again on astroturf was to turn my normal black socks inside out and put talc on the inside of them on the soul(sp?); then turn them the right way out and put them on before football socks. Worked a treat second time round i did this :)
Try taping the blister-prone areas with medical tape (aka Zinc Oxide tape). Then cover the tape & surrounding areas in vaseline.
I've had to get some smaller boots to my norm. I'm 11 but got 10.5 sized Total 90s.

Hurt like hell getting them worn in but now they are comfy as hell. Hurts when I try and punt the ball with my toe like but I just avoid doing that now.

Had to get new boots as my old Nike Multigrounds split in half. (Actually totally split as I was playing. Jokes on me. I kept playing and had the biggest blister ever on the ball of my foot.
Synthetic, and sometimes grass too! I play with Astro turf boots

When you play on synthetic, is it the astro turf with the small bits of rubber on?

I play a couple of times down at the local Goals centre that use this and i find the bits of rubber get inside my astro-turf boots which cause my feet to slide around in them. This is with a pair of normal socks on, then shin pads, followed by football socks so there is definitely no other movement possible.
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