Bloc Party - A weekend in the city

16 Mar 2005
Has anyone heard this yet?

A mate of mine treated me to a listen, and I have to say, it's fantastic. I cannot wait for this to come out, I will down the shops and buying this straight away.

The single is a fantastic track by itself.
Hunting for witches is fantastic. And with the single, I loved it the first time I heard it. Bloc Party are different to anything else I've heard, and that sets them apart I think they are absolutly excellent.
Well been listening for about a week now, and this just gets better and better. I absolutly love listening to this album in the car, it's just fantastic. I believe the first 5 tracks on the album to be the best, and I love the single.

I can't rate this album highly enough, I played this around a mates the other day and some of them were unimpressed. I think many people are going to miss out on such a great record becuase it may take a couple of listens to get into.
Still loving the album, liking 'On' and 'I Still Remember' just at this time, after going through all the others :p
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