Bloc Party Tonight

Is this one of the fanclub gigs? I'm heading to the Nottingham one on Thursday :) Let me know how it goes!
Well got back and i have to say this gig was class. Played a lot of the Silent Alarm album and new stuff. The new stuff is good but much more chilled, look out for the acoustic start to a song, is very good. They ended the gig with Tiny Voices, plus i got a plectrum :D
_-J-_ said:
Well got back and i have to say this gig was class. Played a lot of the Silent Alarm album and new stuff. The new stuff is good but much more chilled, look out for the acoustic start to a song, is very good. They ended the gig with Tiny Voices, plus i got a plectrum :D

Did they play "Two More Years"? I heart that song..
I went to see them in leeds on monday - they played two more years
the gig was incredible, the interaction, the performances, how they looked like they were just happy to be there - everything, it was perfect, best experience of music i've had in my life so far = ) can't describe how excellent they were + i shook hands and said hi to kele :D
iCraig said:
Did they play "Two More Years"? I heart that song..

Yeah they played that, it was a amazing gig like, the uni is a class place for gigs like, so close to the bands
_-J-_ said:
Yeah they played that, it was a amazing gig like, the uni is a class place for gigs like, so close to the bands

Only been to Northumbria Uni the once to see Franz Ferdinand. Good venue. Good for getting a pint too. Don't have to leave the room
Great gig in Nottingham last night - finished with 'Little Thoughts' and played a nice mix of new and old stuff (no 'Luno' though :().

The new stuff is great, some of it is slower paced ala 'Two More Years' but don't be worried thinking they've gone soft. There was an awesome song with a chorus like 'Ordinary Man' that I really liked.
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