Block data to rogue site?

6 Apr 2010
Might not be the right section but here goes.

My Dad builds weather stations and sells them to local clubs such as the local model flying club. He found out recently that another website is copying his URL and using the data on their own site and branding it as their own.

Is there anyway he can limit the data to only go to his site and not another for example?

Dads site:

Rogue site:

Just so you know all the data is being hosting on my Dads hosting so already I understand they are stealing his bandwidth and stuff, but what can be done?
The data is being displayed in some kind of flash component, do you have access to the code of that flash component or not? If you do then you can add some URL/IP validation to see if it's being accessed from a white listed site.

Failing that you can possibly black list the IP of the site on your dads host, but it depends if he has access to it.
That sounds like a plan. I have linked him to this site so he can read any replies so I will see what he says. I was hoping there would be some form of validation that would be possible to prevent access so thats good news.
Out of curiousity, have you actually asked them to stop and explained to them that its a service you provide and running it costs you money (bandwidth). In my experience, people do this sort of thing in ignorance rather than malice. Maybe theres another customer in there.
The problem is that it's not the "rogue site" collecting the info, it's the client (ie the user)
So your ability to block the rogue site is not possible.

I'd randomly change the URL on the host, and the website and send the other site a nice email asking them to stop linking to your URL.
We have found out the IP address of the host of the site. We have tried to block the IP address using TSOhost's tools on their CPanel but this is proving fruitless. Any ideas on how to go about this?
Have you contacted them and asked them to remove the content? That's your first step.

Next create a .htaccess file in your domains root or the directory of the flash file and put something like this inside it:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
 RewriteEngine on
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} .
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?amarc2002/\*$ [NC]
 RewriteRule .*\.(fla|swf|xml|js|html)$ [url][/url] [R,NC,L]

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} .
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !www\.amarc2002\
RewriteRule /flash/(.+)?\.swf$$1 [L,R]
Also please don't block right clicking it's not effective and just annoying.
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Yes they have been contacted but no reply. Also we did change the address etc of the data but within a few days they had redirected it back to their site so to speak.

Oh and about the right clicking, the site itself is the model flying club site, but the content in the iframe is my Dads. The club basically bought a weather station from my Dads business and are paying for the data (or something like that, not to sure). I already made a comment that the right clicking is annoying but its not our site to change unfortunately.
I added another block. Add that to your htaccess and put it in the same directory as the html/flash file on your server.

Or thinking about it if your hosting the content then you could just whitelist the IP of with something like:

Only allow from specified IP's:
ErrorDocument 403 /specific_page.html
order deny,allow
deny from all
# Modify the following IP to match woodsprings.
allow from 111.222.333.444

Or Allow all and restrict specified IP's:

<Limit GET POST>
 order allow,deny
 allow from all
 deny from 111.222.333.444

Make sure this is only in the swf directory though, you don't want this in your root.
I added another block. Add that to your htaccess and put it in the same directory as the html/flash file on your server.

Or thinking about it if your hosting the content then you could just whitelist the IP of with something like:

Only allow from specified IP's:
ErrorDocument 403 /specific_page.html
order deny,allow
deny from all
# Modify the following IP to match woodsprings.
allow from 111.222.333.444

Or Allow all and restrict specified IP's:

<Limit GET POST>
 order allow,deny
 allow from all
 deny from 111.222.333.444

Make sure this is only in the swf directory though, you don't want this in your root.

Explain how this is going to work. The data is simply a link on someone elses page and you are restricting it so only the woodsprings host can view it..... but the woodsprings host is never going to be requesting it - the person viewing the data will be requesting it, not the woodsprings host.

How about rewriting the HTTP_REFERRER so ONLY requests with a referrer of the woodsprings host can view it.
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Can't help from a technical point of view, but I'd be putting a large copyright image on that page somewhere so it also appears on their page. I'd also contact them again asking nicely for them to remove it, but reserving the right to seek legal advice if they fail to do so. Also copy in their hosting company (Redeye Media?).
Blocking the 'rogue' website's domain or IP won't do anything as it isn't their host that is requesting the flash file from, rather it's the client.
As mentioned, do a redirect or block based on the HTTP_Referer (ie: if domain equals then block). Although note that it isn't a complete full proof solution as the HTTP_Referer could easily be forged.

Either way i'd put some branding on the flash 'app'/file, at least then clients will know where the data originates.

Although why do you use iFrames rather than embedding the flash object directly into the page?

Edit - My rewrite rules are a bit rusty but the below should work (allow only domain, otherwise redirect) -
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www\.woodspringwings\.co\.uk [NC]
RewriteRule ^.*$ [R,L]
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Hi All

It seems the situation has been resolved now without having to block anything. The 2 clubs talked to each other and the rogue site has been removed.

My Dad wants to thank you all for you help and advice. He really appreciated it. So thanks! :D
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