Blocked from Bing Ads?

26 Jun 2005
Has anyone here been blocked from Bing Ads and do you know why and how to get unblocked?

I set up an account the other day, got a promocode voucher from them too, set up an advert for our business, registered our business Credit Card and set a monthly budget.....24hrs later can't sign in to Bing Ads!?

Called them Customer Support today and they said the account was closed and they can't give me a reason until the end of the week. I asked if it was temporary and they said no, permanent, we can never advertise on Bing!? EVER?!?? by the way, its not a sleazy dodgy business, we're just a small local finance co.

Anyone know how to get back on? Is it worth it even?
There have been problems with signing in with a lot of Microsoft sites all day so it might be just that causing the problems and the person you was speaking to wasn't sure what was going on? Try again now?
There have been problems with signing in with a lot of Microsoft sites all day so it might be just that causing the problems and the person you was speaking to wasn't sure what was going on? Try again now?

That's, interesting as I havn't been able to log in for the last 24 hrs. Will try again and see how I get on.
No luck signing in. There is a bar/frame that appears at the top of the webpage, but there's not information in it.

As a test I created a new account and it seems to be ok, other than a glitch signing in this morning.
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