Blocking Cirtain Callers

19 Oct 2002
(Bare with me this is a Mobile Phone Thread!!)

I'm currently selling my beloved CR-V on AutoTrader and the Swindon Advertiser and even though I've added "No Canvessers" I keep getting Calls from Various 'Rip Me off' Car Matching companies, all starting with (02089) and (01992) I keep telling these people nicely to Eff-Off but they keep phoning me!!!...

Rite to the Moblie bit!!...

I've got a W800i and I want to stop these people from phoning me!!... Is there a way to Block targeted Phone numbers from ringing me!!!... Namely anything starting with the two above codes!!... as any normal person won't have one of those as a dial code!!...

I've looked in the menus but got lost!... All I want to do is 'Block' any incomming calls from (02089) and (01992) the same way I can block Spam emails with the word 'Viagra' on my home Computer!..

Sim :)
Bum!!.. :mad:

I've had 3 calls today, and over the past week about 12 or so!... They just won't take NO!! for an answer!!! :mad: :mad:

Is there anything else I can do!... Ask O2 to block em??.. I dunno!... I'm getting to my whits end!!.. :(
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