Blocking Premium Text Messages - Possible?

18 Oct 2002
Does anyone know whether it's possible to prevent a mobile phone from receiving premium rate text messages?

I ask because I recently received an unsolicited message for which I was charged £4.50, and when I complained and contacted the (rather shady) company who sent it to me, they've issued me with a refund which I'm still in the process of chasing. As I'm very unlikely to ever subscribe to one of these dodgy premium text message services, I was wondering if it would be possible to just block all of them so that this doesn't happen again.

I'm currently with Three, but my contract is up and I'm thinking of changing to GiffGaff. If anyone knows of any other companies who might offer this option (perhaps as part of a 'parental control'?), I'd be really interested to hear - thanks! :)
Thanks. I did report the text as spam immediately, but Three still refused to refund me the cost of it, saying that I must have subscribed to it (I hadn't).

I'll get in touch and ask them to block future premium text messages.
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