Blog Advice (Wordpress)

20 Oct 2002
So as part of a Global Comms unit at Uni we've been asked to create a blog. The idea is we blog during a group production (i think we have to produce a podcast, series of streaming net vids or something - don't really know yet), then afterwards we write 3k words on the experience. It's a bit 'out of the box' which i think is cool - but jeez i stand by the fact that i think blogs are just for emo kids ;):p

Anyway. I've got a fresh install of Wordpress on my webspace @ I'm quite happy with going through the menus and changing generic options, and writing posts etc.. but i'm looking for things that could set my blog apart from my colleagues. Most have them have gone for myspace or or other hosted blog - yuck!

So a couple of things. Blogroll... huh? Why are there people on there already? Do i just randomly add peoples blogs i like or is there some etiquette to it? Can i add any of you guys? (Make yourselves known!).

RSS - how do i go about getting RSS feeds on my blog? I've already got links to Wired etc.. but i think doing this would be cool.

Aut-links. Is there any way to setup a plugin (perhaps?) that scans for words like 'podcast' and automatically turns it into a link to a link to, i dunno, the Wiki definition? :confused:

Any other 'cool' things to add to my blog? Through Wordpress? I'm not much of a creative writer so anyhting that could make my blog look more 'busy' would be good! Heh.

Thanks :)
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I'd really keep your blog as simple as possible. The more you have on it the more difficult it becomes for users to use effectively. If they can't use it, they won't come back. If you want it to stand out add your own touch to it, I'd change the default skin to another or even make your own, which would obviously be more personal.

I think the default blogroll entries are the people who work/ed on wordpress, but I'm not entirely sure about that. You can remove them all if you want and add other blogs onto it, your classmates maybe.

There are some Wordpress plugins and themes at the following sites; -
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Thanks for the tips and links. I havent had much time to play around (dissertation is calling me.. :() but will i need a plugin of sorts to show some feeds on my blog, from otehr sites such as etc? :confused:
Yeah you will, I can't remember the name of any that do it offhand though. The auto-link thing that you mentioned is technically possible but i don't know of anyone that has made a plugin to do it!
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