Blogger issues

Not even with CSS

It's not difficult. I could probably tell you what lines in what files you need to edit. Chrome will basically do it all for you, mind you if it's anything like WordPress there is a right and wrong way and editing core (not theme) files isn't recommended and the changes will be reversed during software updates.

On the down side I'm on the train and don't have a machine handy.
Right am at home and thought I would help out quickly with the crudest way to make this happen:

So this is adding an inline style to the class "nav-menu" and adding "display:none;" so just hiding the item. Doing this will leave the black bar at the top for aesthetics.

Just above that there is div with a class called "top-bar" want to hide that use the same inline style as above! and you get this:

Right am at home and thought I would help out quickly with the crudest way to make this happen:

If possible, could you get rid of it, as I have virtually no experience. If possible

So this is adding an inline style to the class "nav-menu" and adding "display:none;" so just hiding the item. Doing this will leave the black bar at the top for aesthetics.

Just above that there is div with a class called "top-bar" want to hide that use the same inline style as above! and you get this:

If possible, could you get rid of it, as I have virtually no experience. If possible

It's not possible without access to the files or possibly the admin panel at the back end of the site (if its anything like wordpress) and your not going to be mental enough to give access to a stranger on the internet are you? I am not even sure if you can change blogger as I have no idea how it is hosted or even how it works, do you even know if you can edit css files and other files such as index.html that are presented to the browser? Scrap that I now know the answer to this and how to edit the site as I spent enough time to read this: Which I am almost certain has now pushed something of more importance out of my little brain.

What I am trying to get at is that making changes like this without understanding how the product works is a sure fire way to break aspects of it and cause you no end of headaches down the line. For example in similar products such as wordpress what you should really do is create themes and reference the themes in the core files so that when the core files update they don't break all of the customisation away from stock. What i'm doing above is ignoring the admin panel, which no doubt you use to update your blog? I am just editing your page (a single page) in the object inspector in the google chrome browser and all object inspector is doing is telling me what files and classes are presented to the browser... i'm giving you massive clues here on how you work out what you are seeing and how that should relate to what you can see and edit in your control panel. What you do with these clues and whether you take the time to right click on your site in chrome and click inspect and try and relate that to the html and css editors in your control panel is up to you :)

It looks like you have already made some changes at various levels of the site which somewhat break the UI as you click through what I am assuming are custom buttons or some kind of widget you are using to display content? You have a pretty big list, the way the distances between objects changes as you click around needs fixing, the ico file needs fixing, there are elements crossing other elements and this is just a start with clicking through a few pages, the list will get bigger and more things will go wrong the more that you try and bring the site away from a stock theme, right now though, on this site, this is my personal favourite:

Put simply there is a lot you still need to fix, move and hide and its all going to take some understanding of how the product is customised. Me telling you how to do just one part of it isn't nearly enough and you will be back in 5 mins for the next bit, then the next etc until I have basically built your site for you and let me tell you nobody is going to do it all for you for free without you putting in some work. I'm sorry dude but that is just the way it is.
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Can't you see it's a first post and is blatantly being used to generate traffic to his blog? :D

Op has failed to deliver any content to direct people at. As yet there isn't anything on any of the pages! There are millions (exaggeration) or broken links and nothing to read!!
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