Blood Diamond **SPOILER**

25 Jan 2003
Newark, Notts
Did a quick search for a thread but I didn't come across one.

What an awesome film! Everyone else enjoy it? I have never watched a bad di caprio film.

I opted out of seeing it last week since the running time was 2 and a half hours, but since I had nothing else to do on Saturday I went for it and i wasn't disapointed. Didn't feel like a long film at all.
I disagree. I reckon they could have easily removed at least 30mins of the film.

Overall it was a great film, quite shocking in places... but Di Caprio's South African accent was soooo shocking!!! And I'm not the best with real South African accents, but his was hideous... it made me want to vomit.

There was also a bit of continuity error I the bar he buys a shot but in one cut he has a cigarette in his mouth then it cuts back and he has the shot in his hand - would have been too cut to change :p

Need to add spoiler warning to this methinks ;)

BB x
BrightonBelle said:
Overall it was a great film, quite shocking in places... but Di Caprio's South African accent was soooo shocking!!! And I'm not the best with real South African accents, but his was hideous... it made me want to vomit.

Did you actually watch the film?


......and as my father is from Zimbabwe i can say that his accent was actually rather accurate. Some of the vowel sounds were a little off but generally good.
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I read somewhere the de caprio spent 4 years in south africa.

I liked the movie, as well as highlighting the problems with diamonds in sierra leone, it also had some intense action sequences.
saw this a few weeks back... amazing film.

as said above, i'm yet to find a bad dicaprio film, saw "the departed" last year also which was another brilliant film of his.
Reviving old thread here, but rented this yesterday and was blown away.

Coming from South Africa, with Rhodesian heritage, Di Caprios accent did make we cringe from time to time, but did not think he did too bad.

So many things in the film made me feel homesick for about the second time since I left Africa about 7 years ago.

I have started moving away from buying DVD's, but this one is a definite purchase!

Sigh, sometimes I miss those lovely African sunsets, and the big wide open spaces...
Watched this a couple of nights ago, thought it was very good.

It's difficult to a do film with a message and not come over all preachey, but they got the tone and action / story balance spot on imo. And with characters that were three dimensional and well written. I particularly liked how Leo DC's character would revert back to nasty uncompromising soldier mode when necessary, yet was still believable throughout.

The acting was good overall; Jennifer Connelly is solid in everything I've ever seen her in, and Djimon Hounsou was excellent.
I loved this film.

Even of your thinking of calming down on DvD purchases I would still recomend getting this :)

Like ffallic mentions De Caprio's accent is actually ok :) (have family in south africa)
SK07 said:
Would blu-ray make a difference on a non-hd tv?

to be honest i would say no, a normal dvd has a better resolution than standard tvs do, even if it would make a difference it wouldnt be a worthwhile one. not sure if it changes in terms of sound quality though

as for the film i ended up renting it today and ive got to say i was very impressed, definately worth watching. for some reason the trailer didnt really grab me for this film which is a shame cos i really would have liked to watch it at the cinema(when i didnt have a annoying cold where i had to blow my nose every few mins. ARGHHHH!!!!)
I thought it was a good film too, I saw it at the cinema so got the full force of it. At the time I also thought DiCaprio's accent was pretty poor, but you say it was accurate I'll have to trust you.

I also agree that the ending was a bit of a let down, it was good all up until he was carried up the mountain and then just as they get to the top he decides he's gonna die there and then phones the girl....
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