blow outs.

4 Jan 2013
well... i was out on my bike today enjoying the weather and had a blow out on the way home, luckily i was only doing 40mph but it was a bloody scary experience. it was actually a balancing weight of some kind that went into my rear tire it also ripped my mudguard off.

was just wondering if anyone on here has had a blow out?
and how common are they on motorbikes? i dread to think what the out come would have been if i was on a dual carriage-way or motorway.

got a good ear bashing off the other half when i got home too lol saying how she's never wanted to me to have a bike and how she hates always being worried when i'm out on it. and although this wasn't exactly serious, it has been a bit of a reality check.
pretty horrific pictures scania!
i see you're an Eddie Stobart man? or atleast, it looks it from what i can see of the lorry.

i've currently saving to do my lgv class 2, and then hopefully class 1. costs a lot to do your test now days. luckily i've already done medical, theory and part of cpc so just the practical test to go :)
I am indeed - albeit one who's off sick at the moment following a heart attack that was brought on - so I'm reliably informed - by the hours I was working, and the stress of the absurd start / finish times I've worked for too long.

I'm seriously considering my future as an HGV driver, frankly, it's just not worth it, and despite being what many may view as something of a dream trucker, working for the Green mob, frankly, I would not recommend the job to anybody these days!!!

You see a few but not many retirement age truckers, this is for a rather morbid reason!!!!

well that's reassuring lol. whats stressful about it if i may ask? i know working for eddie stobart can be hard work, especially if you're hauling a load of cars on the back of your lorry but didn't think it would be that bad. (i've seen the 3 part series on eddie stobart lol)
Take that program with a pinch of salt, it's all over exaggerated crap.

yeah i know it is lol, i should imagine hauling the cars would be stressful though. i'd be paranoid about damaging them.

i'll still be doing my LGV license once i've saved for it. was just wondering what scania found stressful about trucking.
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