Blown Fuse... Grrr....

12 May 2005
Cambridge, or somewhere else in the world
I'm quite annoyed. I bought a set of Logitech Z-5500's about 8 months ago and I had the much reported intermittent 'popping sound'. I informed Logitch and after months of waiting I finally received a brand new set of the speakers.
hooray for Logitech!
Not 24 hours later the blumming fuse blew (the one in the sub not the plug fuse).
Needless to say, I emailed them first thing this morning....

Anyway, why has this happened? Any ideas? I've been looking around on google etc and can't find a good reason why this would happen - sure if I had been turning them on and off for months, but I only had them on for two hours.
You either had them very loud or they are faulty/developed a fault (in which case replacing the fuse may not be sucessful since it will blow again).
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