Blu-Ray enabled Macbook Pro

20 Jul 2008
I'm not really an Apple guru but am tempted to make the switch for university next year. I only really use my laptop for facebook, work, music and video editing.

Have there been any announcments about a Blu-Ray enabled Macbook Pro. Obviously HD-DVD isn't going to happen.

No Blu-Ray support for the Mac as of yet. All you need to know is that Steve Jobs recently referred to Blu-Ray licensing as 'a bag of hurt'.

On the distant horizon.
It's a bit of a failure from Apple.
Having said that, only the 17" Macbook Pro has the screen resolution to display HD (another failure).

Mac's are good but they're a bit tragic in the HD media arena at the moment.
It's a bit of a failure from Apple.
Having said that, only the 17" Macbook Pro has the screen resolution to display HD (another failure).

Mac's are good but they're a bit tragic in the HD media arena at the moment.

They all have the ability to display 720p, so they can all display HD - it is only 1080p that they only some models can display.

No one cares about support for 720p (1280x720) resolution, it is assumed as the norm.
People are buying products that can do 1080 this is what consumers are looking for.
This also means that the best delivery method for huge amounts of data at this time is Blu-Ray.

You can make the case for downloads from apple or wherever but at the end of the day, net connections are too slow and impractical.
yashiro, you seem to constantly have a pop at Apple. So this one is no surprise.

"People are buying products that can do 1080 this is what consumers are looking for at the moment."

I would safely say the majority of consumers don't know the difference between 720p and 1080p. Not only that but it is therefore not assumed as 'the norm' either.
I have Macs. I've had Macs since they came in one beige box. It's just a shame to see them not keep up with technology when they should be leading it. Their design is cool but their tech? Other companies screw up in other ways but we don't have a dedicated Samsung or Dell forum do we?

Is it wrong to expect more from a technology company, especially given the historical prestige that Apple has?
Don't be content with the status quo. Ask for more, Apple can afford it. :)
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What about third party external Blu-Ray drives for Macs?

It's annoying because if you're going to invest £1700 in a new laptop you want it to be as future proof as possible and on the PC front that money could get you something catastrophically good.
What about third party external Blu-Ray drives for Macs?

It's annoying because if you're going to invest £1700 in a new laptop you want it to be as future proof as possible and on the PC front that money could get you something catastrophically good.

I have an external blu-ray drive for my mac, but you have to boot up in windows to play blu-ray videos.
No one cares about support for 720p (1280x720) resolution, it is assumed as the norm.
People are buying products that can do 1080 this is what consumers are looking for...

Most people don't know the difference between 720p.1080i and 1080p on televisions, so to say nobody cares about 720p on a laptop is a piece of wild speculation.

There are two types of consumers. Those who buy whatever the salesman recommends (be it right for them or not) and there are those that know what they want and buy that ignoring the usual sales patter.

I should imagine most Apple purchases are made by the latter.

I have Macs. I've had Macs since they came in one beige box. It's just a shame to see them not keep up with technology when they should be leading it. Their design is cool but their tech? Other companies screw up in other ways but we don't have a dedicated Samsung or Dell forum do we?

Is it wrong to expect more from a technology company, especially given the historical prestige that Apple has?
Don't be content with the status quo. Ask for more, Apple can afford it. :)

Let me get this right, you think Apple doesn't innovate just because they happen not to put something in the laptops that you want?

So the iPod, iPhone, iMac, Unibody enclosure, OS X and so on and so forth aren't examples of Apple innovating?

You'll see Blu-Ra but not until Apple are ready and the "bag of hurt" has been removed.

Oh and I also have been an Apple owner and user since the Classic! :D
Wouldn't be the first time Steve Jobs has said "it won't happen" then they end up shipping it ;)

They need to get Blu-Ray support in to Snow Leopard IMO.
It's odd for them not to have included it now. They were first off the mark with DVD-R drives and ditching floppy discs.
It's odd for them not to have included it now. They were first off the mark with DVD-R drives and ditching floppy discs.

It's my understanding that it needs a software addition to the OS before it'll work.

That's also why I think Snow Leopard is the perfect opportunity to incorporate it.
At the moment Apples preferred distribution would be the HD content from the iTunes store, download to your Mac and then playback on the AppleTV.

Putting in Bluray doesn't add anything here for Apple. Other then licensing costs.

How many people will not buy an Apple because it doesn't have a Bluray playback built in. What percentage of shipping laptops and PC's have Bluray drives in them?

Certainly now that the buyable Mac's other then the mini all have Bluray capable GPU's then Snowleopard would be a good time to introdce as they are supposed to be rewriting Quicktime anyway. However I wouldn't hold out too much hope.
This still makes no sense as apple were on the board of directors for the blu-ray project. They put vast sums of money into the development along with Sony, Samsung and Panasonic etc

Board of Directors:
Apple, Inc.
Intel Corporation
Mitsubishi Electric
Sun Microsystems
Twentieth Century Fox
Walt Disney
Warner Bros.
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