Blue screen error code: Whea Uncorrectable error

12 Jan 2019
So i was playing a game and i decided to up the graphics to ultra to test the frame rate and after a few seconds my pc blue screened with error code ‘whea uncorrectable error’. And now every time i try to boot my pc it has the same blue screen error code, i thought it might have been a driver issue so i decided to wipe my ssd’s from the bios setting and try a new boot of windows, but that didnt work so it must be a hardware issue, but i dont want to go out replacing parts without knowing exactly what part is faulty. And to mention i was overclocking my cpu, but it had been fine for at least three days and i had no temperature issues. Anyone who has had this happen to them could give me any advice would be apreciated.
I got that same error about an hour ago, playing battlefield 5, I have just been overclocking so I backed off my multipler by one and booted fine.

This what I thought the error was and it only happened one time for me.
So i was playing a game and i decided to up the graphics to ultra to test the frame rate and after a few seconds my pc blue screened with error code ‘whea uncorrectable error’. And now every time i try to boot my pc it has the same blue screen error code, i thought it might have been a driver issue so i decided to wipe my ssd’s from the bios setting and try a new boot of windows, but that didnt work so it must be a hardware issue, but i dont want to go out replacing parts without knowing exactly what part is faulty. And to mention i was overclocking my cpu, but it had been fine for at least three days and i had no temperature issues. Anyone who has had this happen to them could give me any advice would be apreciated.

That's nearly always a CPU hardware error cause by overclocking. Back off your overclock and try again.
I’ve already reset the CMOS, but it doesnt take the motherboard back to the bios it came with when i took it out the box. Is that an issue?
Was you doing dont stupid like 1.4v on a CPU or +.300 on the IO

if you system as on board graphics, i would remove everything from the system. just keep whats needs to be in for a boot. 1 stick of ram no GPU
TBF from what i have seen online it looks like you could have damaged your CPU, Whea Uncorrectable error is normally hardware related and normally CPU, but if you cant boot with bios reset and a fresh install of windows. you could have a big problem
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