Bluetooth headphones for a TV?

31 Dec 2006
Is this possible? I know you can get wireless of course, but how about Bluetooth? I know you can get the headphones that work on phones, PC etc, but how would they work on a TV as all Bluetooth dongles I've seen need drivers installed on a PC, you can't just plug them in to a USB port on a TV. Is there a solution?


you can get 3.5mm to bluetooth transmitters. that give you bluetooth out from the headphone socket on the tv. however they add latency so personally id say is not suitable for tv watching use.

the problem with bluetooth is it normally as part of its error correction adds in a slight delay that for music is so slight you dont notice but with video lips are noticeablly out of sync.

as for using a bluetooth dongle on the tv, no that will not work at all, ever.
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