Bluetooth headphones

29 Dec 2007
Hi guys,

I'm looking for a set of Bluetooth over ear headphones mainly for the gym. Looking to spend approximately £50.

Any suggestions? I've checked on the rainforest website but I'm dubious of some of the reviews as some gone from 5 star to 1 star so I'm not really sure if to risk it or not.

There's a lot of 4 and 5 star user reviews for such stupidly cheap unknown brand Bluetooth headphones. I'm dubious that they are any good. You can't really get decent wired headphones for that money, let alone wireless headphones and the added cost of the extra electronics that go with that.

Even £50 is probably a bit too cheap for anything decent. AKG Y45BT are good for £70, but if you can't go much over £50, then Sony have a couple around that price point. They're not as good as their £70-£100 ones, but that's to be expected really.
Thanks for the reply.

I'm not looking for anything too fancy in terms of sound quality really, I'm no audiophile. Like I said, these are only really for use at the gym to drown those plonkers out that have to scream and slam weights down left right and centre :D.
Do they stay in your ears well? I've got some apple headphones at the moment but they never sit properly In my ears

EDIT - Decided to go with the above, seems like they got decent reviews.
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