Bluetooth in ear for running - Do they really exist?

12 Aug 2008
Hey guys,

I'm sick of breaking earphones, im sick of cables and connectors etc breaking so I'm wanting to go for a bluetooth pair, a major use is for daily runs to keep pace.

Even looking at £170 pairs of bluetooth in ears, when you check amazon reviews 15-20% of reviews say cant cope with sweating, dead within weeks or days.

Does a product actually exist which can remain connected smoothly, play decent sound quality and survive more than a few months?

If not what are my wired options? My last pair were soundmagic E50 (few years, nice) and E50S (bought 23rd dec) which are now dead unsure why.

I like the wing hook design of something like the jaybird X3s and find over ear clips uncomfortable so i'd prefer something with those wing clip thingies.

Ultimately I feel like im stuck with a wire if i want in ear buds, but im so sick and tired of killing headphones. It costs an absolute fortune to keep going.
These also seem to get reviews saying only a few months usage.

I should also add i use my earphones for a run in the morning, then for most of the day too. Heavy usage.
Tbh they all look the same and all get the 100+ reviews saying lasts 3 months, falls app art, dies from moisture.

Maybe i should stick with wired but im so sick of crappy cable quality, i get that im a heavy user but im fairly careful!

Just frustrating constantly forking money out and being without headphones.
Its not sweating i've damaged them with, but thats a common issue with many others which puts me off purchasing.

I break mine usually at the phone port, or where the buds split.
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