Bluetooth Mice.

5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
Im looking at reducing the ammout of wires on my desk when im using my laptop.
So can anyone recommend a good, reliable, Bluetooth mouse that i can use with my laptop. The laptop has built in BT, so i wont be requiring the usage of an external dongle.

Thanks in advance all.
Unfortunatelly, neither of the two ranges of mice that you mention appear to be in production anymore. With only one BT mouse being listed on both manufacturers websites, and any BT mice by those manufacturers being v.hard to source.
poltergeist666 said:
I just had a look at the specs, and it would appear that the cordless ones are not bluetooth - DOH!, I just assumed they were.

Have you tried fleabay?
I wouldnt worry about my location. I live less than 20mins away from OCUK!
lol. :p
bramski said:
I've got a Logitech mx900 and it's excellent.
The MX900 isnt a BT mouse. Its still a 'FastRF' based mouse, basically a MX700 with a new paint job, with a BT reciever/transmitter built into its base to allow usage with normal BT devices.
Bit of a misleading description on Logitechs part that.
Doohickey said:
Really? You can use the MX900 with regular bluetooth dongles and BT equipped laptops without using the base, which means that it's not FastRF anymore, but actually BT. The only thing is that the SetPoint software only works using the MX900 hub, but it still works without it. I'd recommend it, there's only one cable coming out of the charging station, and if the laptop has BT built in, or you have BT usb, then you could just take the mouse wherever, and not worry about charging it if you carry a spare pair of AA batteries if you're planning on going away with it for more than a day or two.
Are you sure on that one, because that completely contradicts all the reviews ive read on it? :confused:

Energize said:
I wouldnt reccomend BT, serious lag in games.
I dont play games on my laptop, thats left for my main PC and its nice MX1000. :p
So lag isnt a problem. :)
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Energize said:
Yes I have used one, interfered all the time with other stuff as well. RF>*
I cant speak for the BT based mice, but Logitech RF mice, like the MX700, MX1000 & G7 are all completely lag free.
And im very confident in saying that people who say there is lag is talking rubbish and are being influenced by the phycology of there being lag. In other words, bigger imaginations than GeorgeLucas! :p
Energize said:
Like you said they are rf not bluetooth, which as I already said rf>*
Regardless of you pointing out what ive already said, you still getting disagreed with left, right & center with your comment on BT.
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