Bluetooth Mouse

13 May 2007
Lancashire, UK
I'm after a bluetooth wireless mouse to use with my macbook. I was going to get a Mighty Mouse but I've heard that they're terrible to use and have problems with the scroll.

So does anyone have any recommendations of a small(ish) bluetooth mouse ?
I've been using a Dell BT keyboard/mouse combo for the last few months and can't say I've ever experienced any issues with them :)

This is just the mouse:
That does look like a decent mouse. Problem is that is says 1-2 WEEKS for delivery and I want one sooner because I'm impatient :p
I'd have to agree - it is a good mouse :) It's not too heavy, but is weighty, it fits the hand well IMO, and I can easily use it all day long. I think it must be about 2 months now since I changed the batteries, and it's used for 8 hours a day, 5 hours a week, and the little light on the top started flashing orange on Monday to say they're getting low - it's now Friday and it's still going strong! Much better than the battery life of my old Logitech MX700 mouse! ;)
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