Bluetooth on Unibody MacBook??

30 Jan 2008
Right well, I don't know what to put this in so its going to be in hardware. I went from having a 2.0ghz unibody MB to a 2.4ghz which I have now. The reason behind me getting the 2.4ghz was because the bluetooth kept on cutting out on me. my keyboard and mouse would just stop working, then one fateful day, the bluetooth just disappeared from system prefs. Apple kindly upgraded and replaced the laptop for me.

So what is the point of this post? Well I'll tell ya!! I sat down at my desk after college turned my Apple keyboard and mouse on and they wouldn't connect at all. Nothing! The batteries are fine as I have only just replaced them. And I'm guessing this is the same problem as this is how it started with the old laptop. I will have to wait till about 4:30 tomorrow as I have a 5 hour A-level Photography exam. But I will push for them to replace it. Maybe even with a MacBook Pro!

This is the third MacBook I've had, I started out on a WhiteBook 2.2ghz and I'm sick of all the trouble I've had with them. They will do something for me.

So what have your experiences been like with the 'new' Unibody MacBooks? Had any bluetooth problems??

And sorry is this is a bit long but I needed to have a rant! :):):)

Not had a problem with any of the apple products me and my family have used on bluetooth in the last 2 years? my unibody MBP seems fine also :/

Before I got a mac I used to hate bluetooth due to the general issues I had with it, but everything Ive ever owned apple wise with bluetooth has not skipped a beat.

What kind of environment are you using it in and with what bluetooth device?
Not had a problem with any of the apple products me and my family have used on bluetooth in the last 2 years? my unibody MBP seems fine also :/

Before I got a mac I used to hate bluetooth due to the general issues I had with it, but everything Ive ever owned apple wise with bluetooth has not skipped a beat.

What kind of environment are you using it in and with what bluetooth device?

As far as I know it's only a problem with the MBs, I know 3 other people who have had this problem, and my mate who I am in college with has had a few glitches. And I used to use the bluetooth in college with the mighty mouse. But now it's just as home with the Apple wireless keyboard and mighty mouse, at a desk. It's about 2 foot away if that. I never had a bluetooth problem with my WhiteBook. It only seems to be the Unibody MBs.
Right well have I had some fun over the past week. I've been on the phone with Apple so many time I can't remember! Bluetooth yesterday would only connect my mouse, just got off the phone to Apple again and I now have them both connected again, but if it happens again I will be complaining big time. I'm sick of it. Stupid things!!!

Now you mention it, mine used to struggle to connect to any devices like a mouse or keyboard. I used to just persist thinking it was being slow, but now you've posted this...
Yeah, this is the second uni MB I've had. and it's starting out the same way. very very strange.
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