blurring background of an image?

12 Jun 2005
St Albans
How do I blur the background of an image using either Painshoppro X or Adobe Photoshop CS2? (Before anyone asks my sister does AS photography and my parents bought the software.. :p ) I've looked for tutorials but can't seem to find any. Can anyone help?
I'd copy out the section you don't want to blur and make it into a new layer. Then you can blur the original layer, leaving the detailed bit in front of it :)

EDIT: something like this (REAL quick knock-up to show effect):

Before: After:

(click for full-size images..)
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riddlermarc said:
I'd copy out the section you don't want to blur and make it into a new layer. Then you can blur the original layer, leaving the detailed bit in front of it :)

Oh good idea, never thought of that. I'll give it a try
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