Blurry text on 4K.

28 Jan 2011
Hey guys,

Some of my programs are a bit blurry in text.

My Spotify, all of it, the icons for my apps in the bottom right pannel etc..

I have clear text ticked and working..

Anything else I can try guys, im on a 4K monitor with scaling at 150% atm.

Thanks guys, im on a 43" monitor, its fine for the most part, just a few things its a bit underwhelming on, but im fine with it, I just thought I would ask what it could be going on?

@Mcnumpty2323 I have HDR in W10 off mate.
Try Display Settings-> Advanced Scaling Options.
There is an option on that screen to reduce blurry fonts (set to on for me).

There are also ClearType settings on Personalization->Fonts. Scroll to the bottom of this screen and select Adjust ClearType settings. If turned off, turn it on. Then click Next and it goes through several screens asking if the text is blurry or not.

Assuming Windows 10 but ClearType has been around for awhile.

Strange, these settings are both on :( its fine though, for the most part its ok, I think like mentioned by @Donnie Fisher that some things are just not optimized for sharpness etc..
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