BMF Show This weekend.



Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
BMF show is on this weekend at Peterborough, Biggest bike show in Europe. :cool:

The May show at the East of England Showground in Peterborough is the season ‘opener’ and is Europe’s largest outdoor motorcycle show. The show has been running for 34 years and attracts vast numbers of visitors and exhibitors alike.

Live evening entertainment is provided for those camping on both Friday and Saturday evening, a great main arena programme is provided for all attending which always includes motorcycle related stunt shows and when possible racing of some description. Exhibitors benefit from a choice of indoor or outdoor pitches and of course the event is well publicised throughout the motorcycle consumer and trade press, as well as local area advertising.

The attendance at the BMF May show is between 40,000 – 45,000 people over the weekend and is a perfect day out for all members of the family

From -

Anybody going ?
If the weathers good I may pop down there for a few hours. :)
I got a mate who is doing the Yamaha clothing stand there but he only had 3 passes & needed those for him & workers. :mad:
I looked through his new stock today & was gutted I didn't own a Yammy as the gear is gorgeous & he does me deals. :(
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