BMW 318 E90 (06) Covertible Hood won't close

17 May 2004
Telford, Shropshire
hi all;

my girlfriends, brothers car is having an issue where the hood won't close. Google has failed to provide an answer so I'm here to ask for your help.

He's currently got the top down, was trying to close it whilst talking to his friend and pressed the open button instead of the close one. When he realised his mistake, he then pressed the close button but all he gets now is a clicking in the rear and the hood isn't moving.

Any idea's? :)

Is it an E46?

The E93 is the E90 convertible and it isn't available as a 318i.

Does sound strange, it should easily be able to cope with pressing the wrong button. I wonder if the motor is on its way out?
Thansk for the reply Fox. it might be an E46 then, I'm just going by what he's saying! :)

It's definitely a 318 and an 06 plate. So I have no doubt that you're correct.

have you heard of this before? Is tehre a way to manually close it, or reset the system so to speak?
There is definately a way to manually close it, but I do not know what it is. The Z4's roof failed in the down position and it had similar symptoms.

Just got off the phone to him. He took it to a garage who fixed it in a matter of minutes. Apparently the top had become 'out of synch' and required manually closing which then allowed the button to work.

It required the central rest and a recess behind the drivers seat rear passenger head rest to be opened up by an allen key and then closed. This brought it all back in line.

Weird I know, but they've shown him how to do this if it happens again. Charged him £30 for the pleasure too :p

Thanks for your help Fox.
I know the E36 convertibles had a cable that you could pull (which was under the rear passenger seats)

....when you pulled the cable - It would dis-engage (drop) the motor from the hood mechanism... allowing you to close the hood manually....
Indeed, all done and dusted now. Would have gone over there and done it for him but I'm stuck at work and just had a panic call from him! :D

Posted the answer up essentially any ways, just in case any one else gets the same problem.
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