BMW F10 sound insulation

31 Mar 2019
Hello everyone, this is my first post on here and wondering if other members have the same issue
I have with my 535d f10 2014.
I have the basic audio and I noticed that the audio travels through my door panels quite clearly. So if I have the volume on low / medium I can hear the audio from outside with all the windows and doors shut. Now coming from a 2008 635d e63. This was the complete opposite, I could play my music quite high and I could barely hear it from outside. My 635d had the hifi audio setup.
Now this also works the other way around as my cabin is also a lot quieter in my old 6 series.
So is this normal on f10’s as I do feel the build quality of the car feels inferior to my old e63 and is there anything I could do to improve the sound deadening. Thanks
It’s a shame I have to do this as I had not done on my old vehicle, unless this could have been done by a previous owner.
But just wanted to know if other f10 owners are having the same issue of poor sound insulation.
It's not as easy as people think and you can end up making the acoustics worse, introducing annoying noise which wasn't there before.
Simply put a 5 series is a different class of vehicle to a 6 series, so cannot directly be compared.

The 6 series will have been, for one thing out of many, designed with more soundproofing etc from the factory, as it is a more upmarket vehicle.
Get some Dynamat and put it inside of the doors, you'll be amazed at the difference it makes to noise inside and out.
My advice is to not muck about with the doors. They have vapour barrier that seals the moisture and condensation from getting into the car (you would be surprised how much water travels through the door and out of the drain at the bottom). You would have to remove or separate these to fit dynamite and the like. They are a nightmare to reseal properly and only need to be slightly compromised and you can end up with your car flooding. BMW ruined two of my vapour barriers on my F11 when carrying out rust repairs to the top of the doors it took months for them to finally replace all four after mucking about trying to reseal them. Its caused loads of issues including flooding the interior on both sides.
@Dandle sorry to resurrect old thread.. But 4-5 weeks ago I had corrosion repair on my f10 where paint was bubbling.. Now it looks like the vapour seal has gone on passenger rear door as water is leaking from the bottom of the door card and I have a wet footwell..
How did you prove it was their repair work that caused your issues?

I found another internet thread where someone else had the same issue post corrosion repair work.. Nightmare
It was a nightmare to get them to admit responsibility but I got there in the end.
I took videos of the water coming out of the wet door sill when opening the door. The area shouldn't get wet at all as the outer seal should stop outside water getting in and at that point they agreed to reseal the moisture barrier membrane. They did argue it was normal but point out to them how does water get through the outer seal and it isn't designed to allow water through and it never leaked there before. The reality is that when they bake the paint the weak barrier membranes just fail earlier. Lets not even think about how they re-protect the inside of the door if they don't take the membranes off to paint the inside of the door.

Anyway they agreed to put a senior body shop tech on it who came out and looked a the car with me, he resealed the membranes that time and wired up the lights in the door cards wrong on reassembly. As the sills were still showing signs of moisture I decided to have a look at what they had done and it was a full bodge with a black tacky sealant everywhere trying to stick the membrane down. I also found the door handles no longer clipped into the door cards as they had broken the clips and these were hot glued in.

I videoed the whole thing and send it off to the dealer principle on youtube. He then agreed to replace all the moisture barriers with new ones and replaced the broken door cards. It was fine after that. Overall a terrible experience with the body shop and just went to show you don't get any better service than a back street garage, you just pay more.

I'll send you a link to the video as I agreed to not make it public, so please don't share it.
This has been a 5 Series issue since at least the E39 which makes it all the more frustrating. I've not yet had it on my current one but did on my previous - you may find it easier to just fix it yourself rather than argue with the dealer.

I used heat to melt the adhesive and restick the plastic.
Yes something like that, just enough to get it to go sticky and then reseal the plastic membrane.

It's just so annoying this still happens. I first fixed one of these in 2006!!!!
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