bmw r1150gs ora ducati multistrada 1000ds

18 Oct 2002
choices choices.

have sold my works / winter bike (honda dominator) and am trying to choose between two bikes.

the first is a 2000 bmw r1150gs with full history, luggage and grips 38000 miles for £3400

or 2003 ducati multistrada 1000ds with full history, termiongi exhausts, heated grips. ducati comfort seat, renthal bars, carbon fibre bits and ducati top box with 18000 miles for £3400

already got a ducati 999s as my summer bike and quite like the idea of a multi as well but really like the idea of a bullet proof bmw with cheaper insurance and running costs.

any one any experience of either?
well been to look at the gs and am now either more confused as to which bike to go for. think ive changed my mind several times already. lol
bike will be used for all year round commuting and long ride outs with mate on his gs and girlfriend on the back and 999s for shorter blasts out plus single seat so girlfriend cant come on the back.

i read the article it was on the 1200 gs but fundementaly the same

i think i could read all the info in the world and still be confused. lol the bmw is the best bike for reliability and servicing ect and with the shaft would be better all year round and with the full luggage better for lugging stuff about and pillion but the multistrada is more emotive and looks better and i think would be far more fun to ride plus the termiongi sound
the gs is deffinately the sensible and wisest choice but i dont like bikes becuae they are sensible. tend to buy what makes me smile. changed my mind at least 3 times today already.
Not really mate. Yes the electrics are different, sightly different bodywork and lighter and a little more powerful it's still an evolution rather than a total start again bike. My friend has a 1200 and ridden both and don't feel that much different when riding
went for the gs in the end. only had a quick ride so far and engine is strong and torquey but need a good run out next week after i finish nights
ill see what i can do about a vid and pics. been on nights all weekend ans no tax so havent used it more than the 5 miles riding it home.

going to get taxed tommorow and hopefully bit of a run out and then good clean and fit battery charger lead.

only problem garage is now full with 3 bikes and a scooter and bit of a scqueeze with big gs as well but found a solution on ebay of a centre stand mover stand so i can put it on centre stand and then just push it flat against wall.
I know the pain and the joys of nights. I am on them permanently:D

If I pass my theory and DAS I should be good to get a bike in mid may (budget should be around the 3k mark for bike, insurance ans locks)

Does the GS you have sound meaty? I have seen a few older (guessing the 1150) and newer ones been ridden and I quite like the sound they make.

Ps: Congrats on your purchase.

id happily work permenant nights as body can get used to routine mine are just daft and all over the place but hey ho.

it sounds so so. fairly quiet and refined compared to my ducati 999s with termiongis on it.

bit different to the other bike

i know thats what sold me in the end its mint. needs an hour spent to de grease back wheel and polish it up a bit as its the only bit that shows any wear. i always thought after about 10000 miles a bike was dead. silly i know. but reading up on the gs they do 200000 miles with nothing but basic servicing as a rule. not sure about exhaust if one comes up on ebay or similar i may do but not massively bothered.

thanks my ducati is my toy its only done 3000 miles on an 03 plate and is a bit of an investement. bought it in sept i think and only done about a 150 miles on it since i got it.
So the Ducati is borderlining a 'show piece' :p

I really like the BMW F800 but they are too new and too much for a newbie. I am having trouble trying to find a decent 500 - 600cc for upto £2-2.3k. I saw a CB500, 2001 plate, 17.5k miles and it looks mint but at £1695 I think it is a bit too much considering the age of the bike.

Any tips you have then throw them my way please!

it is very much a show piece bought it on a bit of a whim when i fancied a change from hayabusas that id had for several years. really like it but daft as it sounds it feels wrong to ride it.

have a look as sv650s cheap insurance and nice v twin engine.

and yes the middle section is a remus one. no abs - the chap that had it didnt want one and i cant say i was that bothered either way
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