Boiler cutting out and dropping pressure

6 Nov 2006
Recently our boiler has started cutting out and losing pressure when showering in the morning. It will make horrible noises and then all water will go cold. If I then reset it it works fine again until the next morning when it'll do it again. It happens nearly every morning (though for some reason didn't do it this morning.)

There's an engineer coming out next week to have a look but in the mean time can anyone with a bit of boiler knowledge tell me what's likely causing this/any way I can avoid it doing this as it's really annoying having my shower interrupted every morning.

It's a gas boiler, but not sure what other details would be helpful. I'm not too familiar with boilers etc.

My boiler in my last place was doing this and it turned out to be the water pump internally was failing so the boiled water was not being pumped out and the boiler was overheating. It then cut out to stop itself going bang.

The boiler in my current place was banging a lot which turned out to be a air blockage that they couldn't clear as the boiler was too old to power flush so needed a new boiler.
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