BOINC/Folding on an SSD?

13 Jan 2004
Market Deeping
Have gooooooogled and came up with next to nothing on this, so am hoping some of you good folk can shed some light :)

I'm toying with the idea of getting an SSD and bunging Windows 7 and all me apps - including BOINC - on it but have no idea how (or if) it'll react to being crunched on over the long-term. Does anyone here use SSDs for crunching on, and if so are there any issues that need sorting out beforehand or is it just a case of sticking BOINC on it and letting it do its thing?
Ah, thanks for that Berserker. Always thought my google skills were quite good... obviously not :o (Note to self: start using Search function as well!)

Reading through that thread suggests that there're no real problems at all then. Excellent.

Cheers lads :)
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