Bonsai for beginners

ok i dont care if bonzai isn't the proper name for the tree, but put it this way... these are seeds for a tree that you would normally bonzai with, a mr mayagi karate kid style tree.

so anyone willing to help now please?
well im still young.... :D

ok my first post was maybe a bit vague, i dont want to bonsai but i have seeds to grow a tree.
jidh007 said:
So if you don't want to Bonsai do you need advice how to plant it into the soil? :P

that's what i thought but i've been told you need a proper bonsai tray and compost (ive got them already), but i was also told i need to soak the seeds for 24hrs prior to planting and also that they like to be outdoors but in warm areas and need 6hrs sunlight a day minimum. :confused:
xyphic said:
I tried growing Bonsai from seed about 10 years ago. They were all doing well until a freak accident knocked them all off the sill they were kept on. None of them survived. It was annoying because there was a lot of time put into them!

so do you have any tips please?

do i leave the seeds in water for 24hrs before planting? are they ok on a windowsill indoors then?

any advice much appreciated, i may check out the library tomorrow see if there are any good books.
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