Booked on a guided trip and ive just been asked for an extra $1000 - moral point if view required

30 Mar 2007
Guys need some moral advice here.

So I booked on a fishing trip to Mexico in January next year through an American tour operator who I have no doubt are genuine . It's effectively a shop that runs tours and have done for 20 years with no issues .

However their partner in Mexico have had a mandatory tax rate applied of 16% and upped there rates on top of this. Now the tour was $3895 ( 50% paid by CC in March ) and has in increased by $1000dollars to $4895 with the balance due by October .

It's a 25.6% increase ! Hardly small potatoes but is affordable .

They have offered a full refund however I've paid for a premium economy flight to Cancum with BA that is non refundable. I'll call my insurer today and see what they say but I don't hold out much hope .

If I could cancel now with no financial penalty I most certainly would , could you imagine Jet 2 or Tui calling up Mr Jo es and saying yes your weeks holiday in Greece is going ahead but we need 25.6% more !

I think it's a case of suck it up buttercup and pay the $1000 /£770.

Your thoughts suggestions please?
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30 Mar 2007
Not much thoughts possible I don't think?

Either suck up the extra, try to cancel via insurance. You may have a legal case somehow if they didn't offer a refund but as they have I think it might be difficult?

How much was the flight?
Think your going to be right here Begbie

Flight was £990 plus I paid £80 for seat selection.

There's an outside chance the trip could get cancelled anyway as the whole party will have to agree to the price increase ( currently 9 ) . There will be a number where it dosnt work for the operator so they will cancel and then hopefully my insurance kicks in.
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