Books to films - the best and the worst

16 Jun 2005
Back in the UK
With the up coming Ready Player One, over lunch we were discussing books made into films and which ones had left me and my colleges cold or really impressed us:

The Martian,
Really impressed me and while it missed out some parts of the book I loved it was a very good adaption of the novel considering that the had to make a film for a mass audience.

LOTR trilogy
Epic and as above while it trims a little, it made a fantastic set of films shame they fleshed out the hobbit to much and couldn't catch lightning in a bottle twice.

Jurassic Park
While the film is very different to the book in a number of places it uses the source material well, it did however lead to a lot of butchered Crichton books being made into films. (Congo, Sphere and Rising Sun were all much better books than films and Lost World was a terrible book and film).

Many many Stephen King adaptions,
too many to list but while you can count the good King adaptions on one hand the 90s was littered with crappy straight to video movies. I hope the upcoming dark tower is more Mist and less pet sematary.

Girl on the Train
HATED the book, mainly cause i hated all the characters but the film didnt do a bad job of telling the story, shame i hated the story.

The Da Vinci Code
I was bullied into reading this (think i was given about 5 copies) hated it and really didn't like the films much either.

My dirty pleasure i like the extended version of David Lynchs Dune, a lot of people will say i should be feed to a sandworm for this but i do, it over reaches but its Dune how could it not. the books however make your brain bleed reading them. people who say LOTRs is hard to read should be forced to read the dune books.

Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
Books are amazing all of them, film is like watered down beer, its beer but not really.

What do you guys think, Best and worst adaptations?
16 Jun 2005
Back in the UK
Shawshank Redemption
The Mist
The Green Mile
Stand By Me (The Body)
The Dead Zone
Secret Window (I quite liked this one)
Carrie (70's version)
The Shining (even if he didn't like it)
Dolores Claiborne

Are all good adaptation (obviously imo) of a few of his novels (excluding TV of course). All pretty much close to the source novel.

I would agree with:
Shawshank Redemption
The Mist
The Green Mile
Stand By Me (The Body)

The dead zone is ok probably would add that one,
Christine and Carrie weren't great but i didn't think the books were either.
Shining is fairly different to the book but the film is great and really scared the crap out of me as a kid (watched it the first time my parent left me at home alone, that was a mistake).
Have to admit i still haven't seen Dolores Claiborne or secret window, need to make an effort there.

I like The Stand mini series but didn't like IT very much, though i know i'm in the minority there.
16 Jun 2005
Back in the UK
I hated how they dumbed down the journey on the martian when they could have told it like the book without the random fluff at the end of the film!

I agree, but i understand why.
They didn't want him to lose coms with nasa again and the whole thing doesn't work without that. Its also very maths heavy so not sure how it would work on film. good part of the book though.
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