Bookshelf speakers for dual inputs- Edifer R1280DBS?

30 May 2023

I am thinking about buying some cheap bookshelf speakers. They will be used for watching TV/YouTube and the occasional bit of music but nothing too strenuous. No gaming as I’ll continue to use my headset for that.

I’ve got an Alienware monitor for my gaming PC which I also have a Fire Stick plugged into. The monitor does not have any inbuilt speakers. At the moment I’ve got some cheap Amazon basic computer speakers plugged into the monitor for when I’m working and I use the Fire Stick to fill the hours of silence.

Is there a neat way I could add some bookshelf speakers which would give me audio from the monitor / Fire Stick and also my PC when required without messing about changing wires about? Like an audio switch or something.

Was looking at these

Or maybe even a cheaper option

I don’t need them to be amazing just better than the cheapo ones I’ve got now and would like to wall mount them off my desk.

I have my TV and computer sound card plugged into a pair of Edifier R1600T II speakers (they have two inputs), no switch or anything else, whichever is producing sound comes out of the speakers

Ah excellent thank you, couldn’t tell from the OC website if they supported that or not. Found some better pictures of the rear now and see what you mean.

Will get some ordered
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