bookshelf speakers for mini-system & pre-teen

9 Jun 2020
As we bought a mini-hifi for our daughter (13), it was hard not to notice my son (11) jumping, silently, on the "metoo" bandwagon. As I had recently been scanning ebay and amazon for daughter’s set, now I stumbled upon a 2nd hand Panasonic pmx82 (the basic specs are RMS 120W, 2 x 60W, 3ohms, 10% THD - and I came across opinion that the 60W / 3 ohms is poor).
Nevertheless, it was practically unused and, for 70 quid, well, cheap (it wasn't a random choice just on price, it has required specs, i.e. reads flac files off usb stick, dab+, bluetooth streaming, cd tray, etc). BUT - it came with no speakers (which I knew before buying).
Now, to speakers, I don't want to buy the cheapest car bootsale / gumtree. But I don't want to spend a lot either, firstly, because the "end user" is young and, typically for kids, even more typically for current generation, he's not too fussy (YET) whether he listens to a 128 kbps mp3 or a cd, or even crackly radio (not that he plays music very loud yet, thanks God). That said, I have made him aware there is good quality sound out there, and he enjoys listening to cds on our living room system. But, his bedroom is, obviously, not a sound studio, i.e. typical, smallish (approx. 3m x 3.5 m), and in no way optimised for good sound distribution (general pre-teen clutter). On top of all this I feel it makes no sense to spend a lot of money on speakers, when the system itself is "hifi", but only when you compare it with the horror both kids use for music everyday, i.e. mobiles, typically with sound coming through mono speaker, what else.
Is there any speaker(s) that I should consider in the circumstances? I don't mind 2nd hand (my son is, fortunately, not fussy about the looks or "new" either). I heard only praise about Wharfedale 9.1, still available new from Amazon for £120, and for around 70 - 80 off ebay, 2nd hand. I do like their looks and finish, and reviews are solid 5-stars, but I'm worried that the Panasonic mini is simply too weak to drive such speakers, plus, an overkill for a small room and the user who will - probably - not appreciate its superior sound quality any time soon. Should I be looking at something smaller and cheaper perhaps, like used Tannoy M1, or Mordaunt, on ebay for, roughly 40 - 50 quid and up? (Short 902i, MS10i, MS25Ti, etc.). In fact, there's quite a range of small speakers on amazon, new, approx. £60 - 80, e.g. Short M10, Mission lx1, and even Wharfedale 9.0. Smaller than 9.1, and poorer sound quality, but then, does it matter, given the... context? Perhaps I should just stop splitting hair and get any of them, as they're all more than adequate for the job?
Thank you very much for your help and explaining patiently a few matters which are, most probably, well below the "basics" on this forum. You shared generally unfavourable view about Panasonic, more about their business philosophy / strategy than about this specific mini-system, I guess. I'm not contesting that, presumably there's a reason they never stepped out and up from their niche. However, given your reservations about their... imbalance between what really matters (sound quality) and the "gizmos", how did they manage to come up with a pair of speakers that match their own system, i.e. 3-way speakers with a tweeter, etc? Sure, you might quip - "poorly", but I suspect that, to an untrained ear, the sound of matching speakers is "impressive". Is it "impressive" because the bar for an average user AD 2020 is set so low, i.e. usually mobile phone mono speaker, or 30 quid bluetooth earphones at best, etc.), so practically anything above that quality becomes, in our ears, "hifi sound"? This is actually off-topic, and also, irrelevant in this sense that I don't have those speakers, and I won't be able to get them anyway, just... musing.
I have now looked at JBL Control 1, reviews are certainly very solid. Accidentally, you mentioned bass might be underperforming, it appears they've addressed it, to some degree, with a "pro" version of this speaker, though I must say, I'm immediately suspect of any product that play this cheap, "pro" card, but I guess, simplest marketing tricks bring largest audience, and sales, regardless of actual quality. I personally don't like the way the speakers look, but I'm an old, boxy fart, and well past 11 yrs old so... no problem here. Certainly, impact resistance (grills and whole box) is going to be welcome, although I don't think there's more risk than a shove off a table. That said, teens love to surprise their parents in all unimaginable ways so... can't wait. The "pro" costs considerably more, around double of "standard/regular", and 150W is a serious overkill (and the micro system has some extra bass / treble controls). In any case, I still have a few months to look around, it's likely that the economic impact of the current... situation, will flood all markets with all kinds of unwanted "goods".
Once again, thanks for this advice (and gentle tone!).
Once again, thank you for your thoughts.
re. Panasonic, well, I do remember Technics well, and I'm looking at one, in constant, if moderate use, since I bought it around 1995. And I do remember that, at one point, Panasonic tried to cross into the field of higher end (well, relatively speaking) consumer hifis, stepping into Technics toes, but only briefly.
I also did my own time in retail, throughout 1990s and a bit after that. Different field, but your observations apply to my market too, so I suppose it was a universal process. From a business point of view, this dumbing down went as planned, i.e. a success, as of today my old retailer's business is still doing well, apparently (around minimum wage and zero hours, what else). But then, I think shoppers no longer hope, never mind expect, knowledgeable and impartial advice you used to get on the shop floor, just like people no longer expect to be able to find their bank branch (online banking at your fingertips, eh?). Actually, lack of reliable product information has become a problem for me whenever I need to buy new stuff (hardly ever now). With shop advice mutated into a few lines of a sales pitch, online "reviews" have gone the same way too and, as you point out, you can't even look up detailed specs to see for yourself, because these are not available either.
p.s. when I mentioned that I expect plenty of 2nd hand or unused stuff to appear online, I meant that this particular JBL speaker, presumably due to the bump-proof design, appears to be used by venues, in conference rooms, probably education institutions, etc. Given the current situation, when this adhoc remote work appears to be good enough for many businesses, it's quite possible the next fad in "cost optimisation", just round the corner, is going to be reduction in usage of office space in general, including various... tools that go with that office environment (on top of businesses going simply bust). Not that I wish that on anyone, been through that a couple of times, did not kill me, but definitely didn't make me stronger. Anyway, off topic.
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