boom box (ghetto blaster) needed

3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco

I looking for a portable cd player and mp3 (via cd) to take away on holidays with me, as I don’t fancy taking a mini stack system with me and sound via ipod through loud speakers sounds pants.

The features that I do need are an alarm clock, phono/optical in (as I'm planning to use it at home), battery and mains operated and remote control would be very useful. Size isn't an issue but the smaller the better.

It doesn't matter if it has a tape player as I haven't used tapes since the 90s :D .

Anyone got any recommendations as they seem to be as rare as gold dust now?

Cheers in advance
I have my doubts whether you will find anything like that. And fwiw there is nothing wrong with the line output from ipod's, its actually pretty decent.
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