Boot Camp + Vista = HDD thrashing

When you first install Vista it does a lot of indexing, could just be that.
Search indexing and SuperFetch, presumably. The indexing will stop once it's finished indexing (surprisingly!), while SuperFetch loads frequently-used programs and files into RAM to enhance performance. If you're not going to be using Vista often or for running lots of apps, you could disable the service.
I'm hoping it's the indexing. I've stopped the relevant services but it was still thrashing about when I shut it down earlier. Will have another peep later and see what's what.
Because the way OS X formats and uses the partition is more efficient than Windows.
How come Spotlight in OS X can index the drive without all this undue HDD thrashing?

It still does it. When I clone a drive and boot from it the hard drive thrashes for ages and you can see a little dot pulsing in the spotlight icon in the top right. Then if you click the icon it gives you a progress bar and tells you the estimated time remaining.

After the initial index it does it on the fly so you never notice it again. I'm sure Vista is the same it will just be the initial indexing your noticing.
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