Boot Camp & Windows

7 Mar 2003
South Yorks
Just ordered the g/f a 27" Imac, i7, 680MX

What is the general consensus with windows and Boot Camp? Are the drivers for Win8 okay now or are most people still using Win7?

Are people even using Boot Camp, is parallels the way to go?

The reason she is looking at Windows is to run AutoCAD and [supposedly] secondary, some non-Mac gaming.

AutoCAD is available on Mac but has been built from the ground up rather than ported, so the interface is considerably different to what she is used to and what she would be working on in an office environment - very few design houses use Mac OS as the platform for AutoCAD.

We had a kid last year so she is hoping to pull in some freelance work from home and doesn't want to lose touch with the Windows environment getting used to and working solely in a Mac OS.
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