Boot disk... Urgent!

28 Feb 2006
Hey guys..
Right, I need a bootdisk well be told by someone, so I can fool my cd to be

A drive (Floppy)

Because, when I put my cd rom in it says A:\

So, I guess I need a bootdisk to search the cd ....

Guys please direct me in the right direction ;)
Go away and think what you really want help with, then use English for your request, and you might well find someone willing to help you.
A dissection:
sjohal2006 said:
Hey guys..
Right, I need a bootdisk well be told by someone, so I can fool my cd to be

A drive (Floppy)
At this point I thought I knew what sjohal wanted. I thought he wanted to reassign the Windows/MS DOS drive letter "A" to his CD-ROM drive.
sjohal2006 said:
Because, when I put my cd rom in it says A:\
This threw me off becasue now it sounds as if the CD-ROM drive is already assigned to letter A.
sjohal2006 said:
So, I guess I need a bootdisk to search the cd ....
This sounds like another thing entirely. this made me think he wanted to boot his computer to a MS DOS bootable floppy, then use that to navigate his CD-ROM drive.

Can anybody interpret?
tell us what you are trying to do..

you can get bootable cd's by the way, its not just floppy and hard drives
Im sorry, ver ysorry was in a bit off a rush sorry, I have not been here for 2 days (Psu blew)

Right, Its alright im sorry for wasting your time however I have brought a floppy drive...

man still can't make heads or tails of this

for someone who lives in england your english is bad :\

ps you can make bootable cd-roms anyway.. ??

general :confused:
spirit said:
ps you can make bootable cd-roms anyway.
Sure you can. How did you install an operating system n the computer you're using? You booted a CD. I know that Nero can burn MS-DOS boot disks that work just like the bootable floppies made with the Windows format tool.

I don't know if I would try to hack something together for updating the BIOS though. If it went wrong you'd be out a motherboard or you'd be waiting for months for the manufacturer to send you a new BIOS chip from Singapore.
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