After many years of happily running ubuntu and various other distro's on my chromebook, I'm sick of doing the following every time I want to launch it from a full cold boot
1. Enable crouton extension
2. Load chrome browser, pres ctrl, alt and t to launch crosh
3. type "shell"
4. type sudo startxfce4 -t xiwi
Is there any clever way of creating a desktop shortcut etc that will execute the above so I can "just click an icon to launch chrome?"
I've tried googling but can't find an answer, nor how to write the script myself.
Happy to be pointed in the right direction so I can learn something along the way
Cheers in advance, and sorry if its in the wrong forum!
After many years of happily running ubuntu and various other distro's on my chromebook, I'm sick of doing the following every time I want to launch it from a full cold boot
1. Enable crouton extension
2. Load chrome browser, pres ctrl, alt and t to launch crosh
3. type "shell"
4. type sudo startxfce4 -t xiwi
Is there any clever way of creating a desktop shortcut etc that will execute the above so I can "just click an icon to launch chrome?"
I've tried googling but can't find an answer, nor how to write the script myself.
Happy to be pointed in the right direction so I can learn something along the way
Cheers in advance, and sorry if its in the wrong forum!