Boot Up Problem

27 Sep 2004
Parents PC sometimes boots up... sometimes refuses too. Just started happening recently.

To get it to boot up now you must no longer press the On button once, you must hold it down for about a minute, and even then sometimes it wont work - it will just start whurring for about a second then switch off again. Other times after holding it down for a minute it will boot up.

Im thinking it is a PSU problem. When the computer starts for about a second and then switches off all the fans seem to be running so i dont think its a safety feature.

Advice gratefully received.


I forgot to mention the power light stays on after it 'starts but switches off after a second' - like it is in standby (although i swear it flashes when its in that mode?)

There is no reset switch to swap it with, and I cant remember which pins youre meant to connect together to make it start up without one :confused:
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