boot up probs!

22 Nov 2003

i got an ipod dock today which connects via usb, all works fine.


my pc doesn't boot up when it's connected. i'm guessing the pc detects the ipod first, and is trying to boot from that instead of my sata drive (i think).

i have tried having a mess around with the boot sequence, but no luck.

pc boots fine when i unplug the dock. but i don't wanna have to do that everytime, that'd just be gay.

any ideas? :)
i don't no. i have floppy, i have even tried setting all the boot devices to hdd-0 and it still detects the ipod first.

i don't think there's anyway in the bios to disable booting of usb devices. looks like i'll just have to remove the ipod from the dock before i boot. bit annoying really!

have had a quick look at ilounge, and it seems to be a common problem, that no-one knows a solution for.

yeah i've tried changing all three boot devices to hdd, still no luck.

erm i'm using a biostar ideq 210v sff, not sure what mobo that makes it! bios is just the standard blue one? :o

just read this:

looks like there's no solution unless you have a bios where you can disable boot from usb devices, which mine doesn't seem to have.
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