Boot Up

7 Nov 2005
Hello all,
After upgrading my motherboard, PSU and graphics card I was (stupidly) hoping the PC would still boot to windows so I could backup files and reformat.

However it now stops at Verifying DMI Pool Data.

I really need the data in certain folders of my boot up hard drive (Drive C). I have a second hard drive (Drive D).

I have tried two things so far:

1. In recovery console (from Windows Recovery Disc) I've tried going to C: and using the DOS command "XCopy" to copy "My Documents" to D: but it says unknown command (or something along those lines).

2. chkdsk /r. It found a few errors and after finishing I restarted the PC to find it reached the Windows Startup screen where it askes if you want to start in Safe Mode, normal, or last good config. I try safe mode and it reaches Mup.SYS and then restarts.

Is there any way I can backup the "My Documents" folder to the D: drive or any folder on the D: drive? Accessing a viewable Windows installation would be great but I will use DOS or what ever if needed.

Thanks guys!
Can you not just put the hard drive in another computer as the slave drive and copy your files over from there? The other way, I guess would be some kind of Linux Live CD like knoppix which would let you copy your files as IIRC, knoppix runs directly from the CD :)

None of my friends have a SATA enabled hard drive :(

Ill look into the Linux On CD option though. Do I just burn it to disc and shove it in my CD drive and itll boot up?

Edit: ermm... how big is knoppix?
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