Boots record what you say in their stores

23 Oct 2002
I noticed this sign in my local Boots today. I'd like to ask the internet what they think of this?


Personally, it bothers me. It's one thing recording our every move on CCTV but recording what we say as well seems too much. Although Boots is a public place I still think we have the right to private conversations, especially in a place like Boots where you might (for example) be discussing a medical matter with your partner.

CCTV is usually installed to deter and catch shop lifting, I get that. Recording audio, though? I can't see how that would effective at deterring/catching shoplifting and certainly not to the extent that it outweighs the significant privacy issues.

Finally, I'd hate for recording audio to become "normal" like CCTV has. Can you imagine if cafes and pubs started recording our conversations? Who knows, maybe they do already? :(

So I ask again, internet, what do you think of this?
As long as they are completely open about it, I don't see the problem. You are given the choice.

This isn't a school, place of work, public path etc. where you have far less choice about it.
It’s no different than people willingly putting devices like the Amazon echo or google home in there home or Tv’s that have voice commands and listen to conversations. Big brother is watching and listening at all times :eek:
It’s no different than people willingly putting devices like the Amazon echo or google home in there home or Tv’s that have voice commands and listen to conversations. Big brother is watching and listening at all times :eek:

The next thing will be targeted TV and radio advertising and the connected IoT devices that know what you want, before you do.
Although Boots is a public place I still think we have the right to private conversations, especially in a place like Boots where you might (for example) be discussing a medical matter with your partner.
Boots is a private land, and their stores are just "open to the public". It's their land and you have no rights to privacy. But you do have the choice not to enter it.

On another note. I deliver fast food to the staff at thane road Boots all the time.

Posted while drunk of 20cl of vodka and half a litre of rosé wine....
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