Borat film

30 Aug 2004
Personally I think its excellent. Does/did anyone else watch the Bruno episodes, there should be a film made for bruno aswell. It was so funny, I remember the wrestling one where he wrestles them to the floor then after he asks them if they want to go back to his house :D
Luckily for you i think there were plans for making the Bruno movie. However the rest of us will be crossing our fingers that they give up on it because his face is too well known to fool people again :\

Borat = good
Bruno = bad
Scam said:
Luckily for you i think there were plans for making the Bruno movie. However the rest of us will be crossing our fingers that they give up on it because his face is too well known to fool people again :\

Borat = good
Bruno = bad

yeh good point. Maybe a disguise?
divaboy said:
Errr I think if that was the case surely his ALI G would have given his guise away no ??? :confused:

I doubt anyone in America actually saw the Ali G movie? I dont think it did particularly well outside of the UK (not that it did 'that' well over here iirc).
Scam said:
I doubt anyone in America actually saw the Ali G movie?

A few will have, I think his American show was a cult hit on one of the minor channels, I know he did some chat shows and stuff.

Borat wasn't expected to do well because hardly anyone had heard of him.

I thought the film was ok, probably would have been better if I hadn't read the hype.
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