Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

You've been playing this game for a year and a half now, Mal. You should know what you think of it lol

This is Mal we're talking about...

@ Mal - So you say things have become more complicated in BL2...? Have you ever even read up on the Elemental Status Proc system in BL1? It was a gigantic mess of hidden mechanics that made no sense as to why they were done that way.

The exact modifiers for damage become more important in the higher difficulties in BL2 as they really should and Sl@g is a new and pretty damn straight forward damage amp mechanic. The whole elemental status proc system is nice and easy too.

BL2 is a considerably more straight forward game in terms of mechanics purely for the better. Somehow I suspect the only reason you're saying its more complex is because you probably have no understanding what-so-ever of the elemental damage multipliers or just outright refuse to swap weapon.
Bee is useless for fighting, i use the 1.5 million Turtle and Zero will stay up for quite a few hits, unless of course you get S******, but the main reason you go down so easily is because they remain standing for so long, my guess is BL3 will be the same.

BL2 is one of those games that's hard to play if you havent played it for ages, because it's totally different from what i'd call a ``normal`` shooter, it takes at least an hour to adjust to it

i'm not sure what i think of BL2 because i still prefer the mechanics of the 1st game, i had a lot of fun with BL2, but i think the level cap went up way too high and the game got too complicated to play.

The Bee is obviously not useless for fighting. Because I don’t have loads of legendaries like everyone else, I absolutely need the Bee for virtually every single fight (in UVHM), because otherwise I have to hold down fire with my most powerful weapons for like 30 seconds plus just for normal enemies, let alone rabids or tubbies. It’s tiresome. The Bee speeds everything up to something approaching normal, you just have to try not to get hit. Which is of course impossible at times.
Thanks to the Legendary commando class mod donated by some shockingly good soul over the weekend (for free! Since I didn’t even have anything worthy of trading apparently) I have now gotten up to Wildlife Preserve on UVHM. I am not a farmer. I hate the concept of farming in any game but this game is different, farming seems to be mandatory since I literally never ever get a legendary weapon (I got a legendary fire grenade which is completely and utterly useless, a candle would do more damage), I just hit level 61 last night. I did actually get a legendary shield minutes after hitting level 61 last night from a tubby stalker (Whisky Tango Foxtrot). When I tried it, it looked good, way bigger than the Bee and the shield dropped boosters that exploded and killed a stalker that was about to kill me but then the shield killed me (yes my own shield killed me, I am not making this up) so I think it’s legendary power is a sick sense of humour. Typical, the only legendary I get is the Suicide Shield. Gone back to the Bee (sorry Mal, I know it puts you in FFYL regularly but at least it doesn’t actively kill you).

If I am going to farm for a good weapon on Wildlife with Doctor’s Orders active can I complete Wildlife (story mission) and come back or does the 3 loot midget thingy only work while the main story mission is still active as well as doctor’s orders? I got the 3 loot midgets last night (no legendaries but I got two pink relics which was great) or have they since patched this so it won’t work for legendaries now? I have it on good authority that the Chief Executive of Gearbox has placed a strict embargo on me getting useful legendaries. I believe he sits in his office with a live stream of me in FFYL, laughing maniacally. It was ages ago someone told me this was how to get a legendary, no idea if it still works and since it took me about an hour to even get that far in the level is it even worth it?
Thanks to the Legendary commando class mod donated by some shockingly good soul over the weekend (for free! Since I didn’t even have anything worthy of trading apparently) I have now gotten up to Wildlife Preserve on UVHM. I am not a farmer. I hate the concept of farming in any game but this game is different, farming seems to be mandatory since I literally never ever get a legendary weapon (I got a legendary fire grenade which is completely and utterly useless, a candle would do more damage), I just hit level 61 last night. I did actually get a legendary shield minutes after hitting level 61 last night from a tubby stalker (Whisky Tango Foxtrot). When I tried it, it looked good, way bigger than the Bee and the shield dropped boosters that exploded and killed a stalker that was about to kill me but then the shield killed me (yes my own shield killed me, I am not making this up) so I think it’s legendary power is a sick sense of humour. Typical, the only legendary I get is the Suicide Shield. Gone back to the Bee (sorry Mal, I know it puts you in FFYL regularly but at least it doesn’t actively kill you).

If I am going to farm for a good weapon on Wildlife with Doctor’s Orders active can I complete Wildlife (story mission) and come back or does the 3 loot midget thingy only work while the main story mission is still active as well as doctor’s orders? I got the 3 loot midgets last night (no legendaries but I got two pink relics which was great) or have they since patched this so it won’t work for legendaries now? I have it on good authority that the Chief Executive of Gearbox has placed a strict embargo on me getting useful legendaries. I believe he sits in his office with a live stream of me in FFYL, laughing maniacally. It was ages ago someone told me this was how to get a legendary, no idea if it still works and since it took me about an hour to even get that far in the level is it even worth it?

Off the top of my head, WTF (that is, Whisky Tango Foxtrot) drops 'IEDs'.

I believe those loot midgets only spawn if you have Doctor's Orders active.

If all else fails, play Krieg. He doesn't need Legendaries... or shields... hell he doesn't even need guns!
Currently running a 61 Zero Build with Infinity Pistols (Normal/Corrosive/Fire + Sheriffs Badge + Bee + Legendary Stalker Class Mod).

With the right skill trees it's beastly.

Really glad I picked this game up - it's great fun with friends.
I got the season pass half-price at the weekend so I started the captain scarlett one but could not get into it at all. So I started the Torgue one instead - it is brilliant! Hilarious and great fun. Torgue is a great character, and perfect for BL2.
I got the season pass half-price at the weekend so I started the captain scarlett one but could not get into it at all. So I started the Torgue one instead - it is brilliant! Hilarious and great fun. Torgue is a great character, and perfect for BL2.

Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep is probably my favourite expansion so far. I'm just about to start the Hammerlock one :)
of all the games i've played recently BL2 is by far the hardest and most tiresome to play, especially after FC3 or Dishonored....FACT!

But the first Borderlands wasn't, that was easy to replay after a long break...
the worst part of BL2 is that UVHM, it's just rediculously stupid.

i know exactly what all the guns do, Elemental types etc, i'd say that i'm an expert, but i find that i cant be bothered to swap them anymore, it's frustrating to keep going back to the menu.

i keep playing it because there's nothing else, but my love affair with Borderlands is over, i hope they dont make a 3rd game
Thanks to the Legendary commando class mod donated by some shockingly good soul over the weekend (for free! Since I didn’t even have anything worthy of trading apparently) I have now gotten up to Wildlife Preserve on UVHM. I am not a farmer. I hate the concept of farming in any game but this game is different, farming seems to be mandatory since I literally never ever get a legendary weapon (I got a legendary fire grenade which is completely and utterly useless, a candle would do more damage), I just hit level 61 last night. I did actually get a legendary shield minutes after hitting level 61 last night from a tubby stalker (Whisky Tango Foxtrot). When I tried it, it looked good, way bigger than the Bee and the shield dropped boosters that exploded and killed a stalker that was about to kill me but then the shield killed me (yes my own shield killed me, I am not making this up) so I think it’s legendary power is a sick sense of humour. Typical, the only legendary I get is the Suicide Shield. Gone back to the Bee (sorry Mal, I know it puts you in FFYL regularly but at least it doesn’t actively kill you).

If I am going to farm for a good weapon on Wildlife with Doctor’s Orders active can I complete Wildlife (story mission) and come back or does the 3 loot midget thingy only work while the main story mission is still active as well as doctor’s orders? I got the 3 loot midgets last night (no legendaries but I got two pink relics which was great) or have they since patched this so it won’t work for legendaries now? I have it on good authority that the Chief Executive of Gearbox has placed a strict embargo on me getting useful legendaries. I believe he sits in his office with a live stream of me in FFYL, laughing maniacally. It was ages ago someone told me this was how to get a legendary, no idea if it still works and since it took me about an hour to even get that far in the level is it even worth it?

Rez, farming Wildlife Preserve is the easiest way to gear up I've found, and I tried a few different strats from the 'net. The drop rate is much better than anything else.

Added to that, I've got multiples of many level 61 legendaries, so I'm happy to chuck you some gear if you need it. I never bought the Peak DLC so my Commando stayed at 61.

Haven't played in a while so I don't actually know what I've got :p

Also the WTF shield really does suck. It's not just you - I was killed by it repeatedly. :p
i know exactly what all the guns do, Elemental types etc, i'd say that i'm an expert, but i find that i cant be bothered to swap them anymore, it's frustrating to keep going back to the menu.

You don't typically have to swap between more than 2 in any given fight and depending on your class it's more along the lines of just using a particular element per area as sl@g is provided with your class' ability ... also when you are swapping it's just a case of press 1,2,3 or 4 - it isn't that difficult to achieve.
of all the games i've played recently BL2 is by far the hardest and most tiresome to play, especially after FC3 or Dishonored....FACT!

But the first Borderlands wasn't, that was easy to replay after a long break...
the worst part of BL2 is that UVHM, it's just rediculously stupid.

i know exactly what all the guns do, Elemental types etc, i'd say that i'm an expert, but i find that i cant be bothered to swap them anymore, it's frustrating to keep going back to the menu.

i keep playing it because there's nothing else, but my love affair with Borderlands is over, i hope they dont make a 3rd game

UVHM is brilliant because it adds a new and totally different gameplay. You can't just run in and cause a massacre as you have during previous difficulty levels. Firstly, you need sl@g so you need a class skill/grenade mod/weapon that offers it. You also need to know where the critical hit spots are and you must hit them regularly. Lastly, you need to avoid direct enemy fire.

Changing elemental types can help but it's not mandatory if you can score criticals. I rarely open the menu to do a swap, the 4 slots are more than enough to handle everything 99% of the time.

Yes, it can at times be very frustrating but that's not a flaw in the game, it's a flaw in the tactics you applied for the encouter. :)
Rez, farming Wildlife Preserve is the easiest way to gear up I've found, and I tried a few different strats from the 'net. The drop rate is much better than anything else.

Added to that, I've got multiples of many level 61 legendaries, so I'm happy to chuck you some gear if you need it. I never bought the Peak DLC so my Commando stayed at 61.

Haven't played in a while so I don't actually know what I've got :p

Also the WTF shield really does suck. It's not just you - I was killed by it repeatedly. :p

Cheers, I’m up to level 68 now so I probably need new gear anyway. Did a bit of farming at the weekend and got a legendary psycho mod, a legendary siren mod and a legendary ninja mod and (another!) legendary grenade mod. Did I get anything remotely useful for my commando? Of course not. Must see if anyone wants to trade them for anything useful.

I was having a great time in the Torgue DLC anyway, loving the vehicle areas so I went back to that and finally saved up enough to buy one of the famous Unkempt Harold pistols. I can see what all the fuss was about. It is awesome! Bit bizarre that the pistol from a vending machine is more powerful than all the assault rifles and rocket launchers I’ve spent over 400 hours building up but that’s Borderlands! Torgue dlc is great, loving the racing.
... i'd say that i'm an expert...

Oh god no.

As for going back to the menu, you have FOUR weapon slots, a Grenade slot and a special skill that for some classes will also inflict elemental status procs. That is more than enough for many situations! Its not like you don't know what enemies are in an area in advance anymore.

There are so many combinations that will be effective its crazy. You can use your grenade to sl@g while you focus your weapons on Corrosive/Incendiary for different situations. You can rely on your grenade for Shock to shred shields, your skill to sl@g them and finish them off with Incendiary/Corrosive guns. You can shred there shields and sl@g them with guns and finish them off with a powerful Incendiary grenade.

If you're having to constantly swap your equipped items then you simply aren't gearing yourself up effectively.
I do like the options and variety alright, it’s great being able to do the same areas in completely different ways. It’s good the way you can randomly find the weapons too, which you otherwise probably would not have chosen to buy. Like I had a level 49 sl@gga which was awesome for sl@gging then I’d use SMG or assault rifles and shotguns to finish them off. But the epic sl@gga just got too old, then I found a sweet sl@g rifle which I hadn’t used before because the chance (9%) was so low, but the fire rate is so high and half a clip or so will do the job and then swap out to SMG/pistol to finish them. Also, the grenade mods offer a huge amount of variety, the pandemic one I just found seems to spread itself to loads of enemies, brilliant on UVHM. I hadn’t really used the bouncing betty ones much before, but the sl@g betty is working pretty well now for sl@gging groups of enemies too. And there’s still plenty of weapon types that I’ve barely used so far not to mention a few specific legendaries that I haven’t gotten yet.
Pandemic is a great legendary. I've been a little lucky with that one and had it drop from the boss during regular playthroughs a couple of times now.

My Psycho found a Quasar which has proven itself to be an absolutely epic grenade. Singularity combined with a powerful persistent AoE effect that only targets enemies. Kind of perfect when you're running in like a lunatic.

My Mechromancer was using a Lightning Bolt from Tina's DLC which when it procced the Incendiary effect from the skill tree would cause some insane damage.
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