Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

The best for Zero as a sniper is maybe the Dahl burst fire (fire sniper 6 round burst) or the burst Fire finally; the Maliwan fire

but the Legendary Volcano that took me over a year to get is totally useless :mad:, its damage is far too low for Level's only about 1/2 as powerful as my weakest gun :eek:

But for other enemies you have to swap out, so to find a Dahl burst fire Shock would probably be the best, i dont need S*** because i already have a drum version, or an Acid.
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Has anyone every had a bizarre thing where your character runs, reloads, jumps slow? I don't have Bane or the turtle shield. I've tried completely emptying my inventory, including equipped items, but I'm still all in slow motion.
Has anyone every had a bizarre thing where your character runs, reloads, jumps slow? I don't have Bane or the turtle shield. I've tried completely emptying my inventory, including equipped items, but I'm still all in slow motion.

No, I only get that with the Hoplite shield. And I went through the whole game (three times!) not knowing that the interestingly named Turtle shields slow you down :eek:
F I N AL L Y started getting some legendaries at level 71 (no rush Gearbox, take your time!) and now they’re coming thick and fast. I got a legendary shotgun, assault rifle, hornet and ****ga and a pearlescent smg and seraph sniper rifle and 2 seraph greandes. Added to the legendary class mod generously donated by someone and The Bee I already had, now, at long, long last, I finally get UVHM. It is playable! It is no longer completely and utterly impossible in parts solo. It’s even back to being great fun again. Finished Torgue’s DLC yesterday – brilliant apart from the final fight. I can only imagine how ludicrously impossible the badassasaurus would have been without a load of legendaries (and it still cost me 30 million in respawns and grenades).

Still seems a bit mental that it’s so unbalanced until you get weapons which were impossible for me to get for so long. It can be unplayable without them but with them I can finally appreciate the tactical side of things. Adds a whole new dimension to the game, once you have the gear. Next up: Pete The Invincible – looks like I’ll need to gear up specially for that, but looking forward to it. Any tips on Pete solo (I’m level 72 commando now)?
Thanks. The loot from those keys is so OP :P

I have like 70 of them, and I'm lvl 20 so what do you recommend I do with them? Are they worth saving until max level or?

Just use a key every now and then, when you feel your damage is lacking. I would save most of them for the second and third difficulty levels.
Thanks. The loot from those keys is so OP :P

I have like 70 of them, and I'm lvl 20 so what do you recommend I do with them? Are they worth saving until max level or?

Save a few, you will need them! It gets harder and then it gets insane. Then it gets brilliant again.
.not knowing that the interestingly named Turtle shields slow you down :eek:

does it, i've never noticed !!!!!

maybe it's because Zero moves much faster than any other guy you play in any other game....esp when he jumps

i used the Turtle with 32% shield increase in Digistruct peak....level 2, but Zero was killed by a rabid skag in the final arena, just as fast as using Bee!!!!!

i might throw **** homing singularity first, i hate that Peak Challenge because you have to kill so many before arriving at that final Arena, and Zero dies every time i get there.

he dies in the first two spawnings....Skags first and then Bandits, but he's ok if i can make it through to the Badass Boses, because with one Boss at a time; Zero can run off/hide/ throw decoys etc.

Zero usually dies as i first jump down :confused: because the first spawning is too quick and too many of them, i dont have enough time to think what to do.

i might try:-

1....throw out decoy
2....throw out S**g Singularity like crazy and use ****
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Has Mal completed the game yet? :o

For someone who was ranting about how bad the game is, you still seem to play it a lot.
Has Mal completed the game yet? :o

For someone who was ranting about how bad the game is, you still seem to play it a lot.

that's because (quite obviously), there's parts of the game that are really good and other areas that are total garbage :cool: so its replay value is quite high

i found the Maliwan Legendary Volcano sniper for sale in a vending machine :D it cost 34 million dollars :eek::eek: but just like the one i had, it's damage is way too low for level 72.
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Since I started playing this game I've been looking for a "normal" assault rifle, I'm level 45 now and I haven't found one yet. By normal I mean, full auto, no burst fire while scoped, accurate, and preferably not elemental damage and low recoil. Surely such a gun exists?! All the ones I find are either semi-auto, or burst fire when scoped, or explosive damage which I don't like.

Also some newbie multiplayer questions; I played matchmaking for the 1st time just now, has anyone got any tips? I mean, it seemed rather lacking, all I noticed feature wise was being able to trade and chat. Can you inspect other player's gear? Also how does the loot work?

Few other general questions; after the 1st playthrough, do people generally only do the story missions or still do the side missions as well? Also out of curiosity, at end game what do people do? Just do last mission over and over? or how does it work?

Sorry for all the questions, and thanks :)
At level 45 you'll be a)Lucky as hell and b)find it utterly useless against almost everything!

That said avoid Dahl (Burst fire in scope), Torgue (Explosive only), Maliwan (elemental only, don't think they do AR's though)

Basically your options are bandit weapons which invariably are extremely average and have absurd reload times. Only useful thing is the oversized clip!

MP Q's: It's a strictly co-op affair. Trade and chat as much as you like but you'll do rather poorly with randoms. Inspect other players gear isn't possible. Loot works extremely badly. Unless you play with nice people (like some here for instance!) you'll find that people will just swipe the loot!

Ammo is shared with the exception of RPG/Grenades and the guns are single items unless given as a quest reward.

After the 1st playthrough avoid doing side missions that have a blue icon at the bottom of the quest givers card as it's unique loot and often worth getting at a higher level.

When you finish the 2nd playthrough all the side missions will jump to level 50 and you'll get the best loot from them!

End game? DLC then raid bosses! :D
At level 45 you'll be a)Lucky as hell and b)find it utterly useless against almost everything!

That said avoid Dahl (Burst fire in scope), Torgue (Explosive only), Maliwan (elemental only, don't think they do AR's though)

Basically your options are bandit weapons which invariably are extremely average and have absurd reload times. Only useful thing is the oversized clip!

:( but there's a chance to get one at higher level? or should I quit playing now :p

MP Q's: It's a strictly co-op affair. Trade and chat as much as you like but you'll do rather poorly with randoms. Inspect other players gear isn't possible. Loot works extremely badly. Unless you play with nice people (like some here for instance!) you'll find that people will just swipe the loot!

Ammo is shared with the exception of RPG/Grenades and the guns are single items unless given as a quest reward.

I figured as much, think I'll stick to solo unless I can find any friends to play with :p

After the 1st playthrough avoid doing side missions that have a blue icon at the bottom of the quest givers card as it's unique loot and often worth getting at a higher level.

When you finish the 2nd playthrough all the side missions will jump to level 50 and you'll get the best loot from them!

End game? DLC then raid bosses! :D


Thanks for the reply. :)
Since I started playing this game I've been looking for a "normal" assault rifle, I'm level 45 now and I haven't found one yet. By normal I mean, full auto, no burst fire while scoped, accurate, and preferably not elemental damage and low recoil. Surely such a gun exists?! All the ones I find are either semi-auto, or burst fire when scoped, or explosive damage which I don't like.

Also some newbie multiplayer questions; I played matchmaking for the 1st time just now, has anyone got any tips? I mean, it seemed rather lacking, all I noticed feature wise was being able to trade and chat. Can you inspect other player's gear? Also how does the loot work?

Few other general questions; after the 1st playthrough, do people generally only do the story missions or still do the side missions as well? Also out of curiosity, at end game what do people do? Just do last mission over and over? or how does it work?

Sorry for all the questions, and thanks :)

Good point, I'm level 72 and have not found many, I'm using mostly smg's and pistols with shotguns and rocket launchers. Haven't come across many many decent non-elementary AR's now that you mention it.
F I N AL L Y started getting some legendaries at level 71 (no rush Gearbox, take your time!) and now they’re coming thick and fast. I got a legendary shotgun, assault rifle, hornet and ****ga and a pearlescent smg and seraph sniper rifle and 2 seraph greandes. Added to the legendary class mod generously donated by someone and The Bee I already had, now, at long, long last, I finally get UVHM. It is playable! It is no longer completely and utterly impossible in parts solo. It’s even back to being great fun again. Finished Torgue’s DLC yesterday – brilliant apart from the final fight. I can only imagine how ludicrously impossible the badassasaurus would have been without a load of legendaries (and it still cost me 30 million in respawns and grenades).

Still seems a bit mental that it’s so unbalanced until you get weapons which were impossible for me to get for so long. It can be unplayable without them but with them I can finally appreciate the tactical side of things. Adds a whole new dimension to the game, once you have the gear. Next up: Pete The Invincible – looks like I’ll need to gear up specially for that, but looking forward to it. Any tips on Pete solo (I’m level 72 commando now)?

Indeed UVHM does become manageable with an assortment of legendaries to choose from :p The trouble is, farming them is so tedious that by the time you've kitted yourself out, you've lost interest and quit.

Well, that's how it was for me. I got a load of Legendaries then decided I wasn't having any fun :p

Playing the game in Normal and TVHM was a blast. No farming, just a real fun time. UVHM is the same content, just made tedious :p
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